what's your favorite Pinoy dish?

dinengdeng - veggies broiled with bagoong topped with fish
@jane9147 (252)
April 14, 2009 9:27am CST
adobo, sinigang, paksiw, caldereta... hehe, that's what i usually eat with rice. those are just few of Pinoy dishes. my favorite is dinengdeng, or "wall-to-wall" as my father used to call it. hehe. it's vegetable boiled with bagoong dish. you can use whatever vegetable is available here. it also has may versions. hehe my favorite is of course the dinengdeng my father cooks. it's papaya and saluyot (that "greasy" leaf like okra) with fish and he also adds tamarind. best served hot. hehe. what's your favorite Pinoy dish?
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22 responses
@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
Patatim and sisig... YUM
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
OMG. Pata tim is one of my guilty pleasures. I'd love to eat it all day, if it isn't for the high cholesterol and fat content. :p
@kissieme (777)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
lol I rarely have patatim with my family because both of my parents have high BPs lol... even now that papa passed away, we still rarely eat it though it's a very delicious dish... mmmm
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
yummy! yeah, i like those too. my uncles a good cook and he cooks very good sisig. only occasionally though. hehe
@kissieme (777)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
Hi Jane, I like diningding, too... But my fave dish is the Kare Kare... yummm ... Especially if it has a lot of veggies in it and gummy meat in it. Gosh! lol I miss my mom's cooking because she can cook mean dishes hee hee like kare kare and dinuguan. She sometimes cook the kare kare with "balaw" or the fermented baby shrimps for side dish if I'm not at home hahaha. but when I am, she doesn't include those because I am allergic to them lol.
@kissieme (777)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
hahaha jane. I still eat seafoods like shrimps, crabs and other crustaceans even though I'm allergic. Though your allergy is much better, they pop out itchy on your skin mine is a painful stomachache hee hee.. but yeah, I eat a bit to make me immune to red seafoods little by little... gosh! I love "sinigang na hipon."
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
i am also allergic to shrimps and other sea foods, but i still eat especially when it's sinigang na hipon. hehe, i just keep my meds close so when then allergy pops, i'm ready. hehe. love dinuguan and kare-kare too.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
I love adobo and as we filipino know that we can do variety adobo dish. What i love the most is the adobong alimango or hipon...yum..yum...yum as well as adobong manok or baboy. Those are just my old time favorites but actually i love all pinoy dish. There are a lot on my list including, chicharong bulaklak, laeng, papaitan, tinolang manok (native ones), kilawin and patatim as well....hehehe now i am starving.
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
the only adobo i have eaten are chicken and pork. hehe. papaitan and kilawin, i like those too. however, my father won't let me eat kilawin. =(
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
I like to eat. My favorites are adobo, caldereta, nilaga, lechon paksin, kare-kare, minudo, dinuguan, dangit, daing na bangus, sisig, bbq. Hehe, I have many favorite i also like tocino of pampanga's best. But i actually based on the taste of the food. I like any dishes as long as the food is delicious to eat. =)
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
yeah, my aunt always says that i have a high sense of taste. i mean, the food is already delicious for her but for me, when i taste it, there's still something for the food to be more delicious. i don't know how to cook but i have high taste? hehe
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
My favorite Filipino dish is the sisig. Even though I have a high blood pressure, i still love the sisig especially the Bangus Sisig... :-D It is so good that I could finish a pot of rice for a place of sisig.... :-D Also, I love the tinolang isda (which we fundly call here in Cebu as Linarang). Here in Cebu, we have a hint on where to find food. If you think that a food store has a lot of taxi drivers eating in them, then it is suggested that the food there must be really good. So for all you people out there, maybe you like to visit Cebu and experience our different local dishes here.... :-D
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
i haven't tried bangus sisig but i would love to taste some soon. i miss eating tinolang isda. it's been months since i last ate it.
• Philippines
16 Apr 09
Well, mine is SINIGANG NA BABOY. My all time favorite. If that's the dish, I can't resist more rice. Specially if I have calamansi and soy sauce plus chili. Oh, it's making me hungry.
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
16 Apr 09
hehe, just had sinigang na baboy for dinner today.
@bdayboy09 (153)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
My all-time favorite would be Sinigang na Baboy. I so love it that I could eat 3-4 servings of rice when it's the viand for the day. The sourness of the soup itself is more than enough - how much more for its very savory meat and vegetables? I love these two kinds of sinigang - sampaloc and miso, but I don't like Sinigang sa Bayabas. It tastes and smells like medicine.
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
yeah, one of my favorites too. however, lately my uncle's been cooking it for like how three times? in a week. hehe, anyways, i still love it. sinigang sa bayabas, i haven't tried that one.
@zione23 (38)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
My favorite pinoy dish are chicken adobo and fried daing na bangus. I just love to eat them with fried rice and ofcourse using my hands instead of using a spoon.
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
yeah, using hands only. i like to dip fried daing na bangus in soy sauce and vinegar. hehe
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
I love Filipino cuisine, i really do.. my favorites are sinigang na bangus(milkfish), adobong manok(chicken), fish fillet, ginataan, bicol express, caldereta, menudo, paksiw, afritada, monggo, sizzling kangkong among others.. but since i'm diabetic, i am not allowed to eat red meat anymore. yay! i miss eating sinigang na baboy, nilagang baka, lechon kawali and other meat dishes though..but i won't put my health to threat/risk just to please my food desires/cravings..
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
sizzling kangkong e? i haven't tried that one. how do you cook that?
@ellovire (409)
14 Apr 09
i have quite a lot of favorite filipino dishes: dinuguan, kare kare, sinigang na baboy, sinampalukang manok, rellenong bangus, chicken sopas, aroz caldo, goto, longsilog, tapsilog, tocilog, beef pares, dinaing na bangus, crispy pata, crispy sisig, bulalo, fried tawilis, puto kutsinta, fish balls, kwek kwek, sago at gulaman, scramble. wow, i think i am getting hungry now.
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
you don't like eating, do you? hehe. with the foods you mention, i too am getting hungry even i just finished my dinner. hehe
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
16 Apr 09
My favorites are adobo, sinigang, tinolang manok and inihaw na panga (grilled jaw of tuna). Inihaw na panga is quite famous in Davao city, it is very delicious and most restaurants here offered this Davao specialty.
• Philippines
16 Apr 09
I love sinigang ng bangus and any dish that raw by bangus. The denengdeng sound good. Hope to taste it. Do you know a place where I could taste that? or some restuarant here Manila that offer it?
@hershiez (464)
15 Apr 09
Hi and hello there jane! ^_^ My favorite Pinoy dishes are adobo (sweet style), sinigang na baka or sinigang sa bayabas, caldereta (I like it with lots of cheese. Yum! ), I also like pinakbet, bicol express, menudo, dinuguan, fried tilapia (love the fat fish). I also eat with rice. ^_^
@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
yeah, i like adobo too but i like it a little spicy. hehe
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
my mom's adobo, tinolang manok, the real bicol express, sinigang na baboy, sisig and many more!
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
My favorite is the old time favorite of all Filipinos it is adobo. I like where both chicken and pork is mixed for the adobo we call it as CPA which its chicken pork adobo. I also like the KBL, it is in the form of a soup where it has dried beans, raw jackfruit and pork usually the limbs of the pig. KBL stands for Kadios (Beans), Baboy (Pork), Langka (Jackfruit). It really taste good... Yum yum...
@Niah1976 (739)
• Paranaque, Philippines
14 Apr 09
hi there! i like lechon paksiw, dinuguan, crabs in coconut milk, laing and bicol express.
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
whoooaaa, Filipino dish eh? hmmm Anything BEEF is absolutely YUM-YUM for me. Nilagang Baka, Giniling na Baka, Bulalo. woooO! Chicken or Pork adobo is fine, I like it with small cut meat Bicol Express, the really spicy one, wohooO!! not to "Masabaw" lol
• Indonesia
15 Apr 09
i wanna try this
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
I also like dinengdeng Ilonggo version of that is laswa. My mother and father are both Ilonggo. My mother often cook laswa sometimes I complain and I told her to try to cook other dish. There come a time that you are tired of eating it. The difference of Laswa and dinengdeng is the bagoong because Ilonggo don't like to put bagoong in their laswa. They often put dried small shrimp which is called kalkag in Ilonggo.
@ulqu1orra (307)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
my favorite Pinoy dish was adobe, hehe, any kinds of adobo with tender and tasty meat like pork chicken or vegetables.