What book are you presently reading and can you give a small sample of it?

@Citychic (4067)
United States
April 14, 2009 5:10pm CST
I am reading a book on how to create more peace and calm in life, here are a few things that you can do if ur life seems totally chaotic. 1. Take a bubble bath 2. Light a few scented candles and leave them burning inside of your house for a few hours. 3. Make a pot of tea and add honey to it then sit down and chill. 4. Buy a bottle or two of red wine, it has ingredients in it that are good for your heart. 5. Snuggle up with your significant other, or your favorite pet. 6. Take in a few deep breaths. 7. Paint a room the color green or liven it up by adding some green throw pillows. The color green has been known to be soothing and to add warmth. 8. Play some soft, soothings sounds/music. 9. Spend time with an older person or a neighbor sharing words of wisdom. 10. Go for a walk around the block.
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2 responses
@tcycharmy (102)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Right now I'm reading "Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt. I'm not that far into it, so the best I can give as a sample is the synopsis. It's autobiograhical and is about how he was born in America around the 1930s from Irish Immigrants and when he was four they moved back to Ireland. It's about his rough life being poor, not only in American, but Ireland as well. How some of his brothers and sisters perished so young from sickness or starvation. It's about all the hardships he and his family faced, but in the end he percievered and became a successful author. Angela is his mother's name, so I'm trying to figure out why the title is after her. That's about as far as I got. My sister cried and said it was a really good book, so I'm trying it out.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
14 Apr 09
I am reasing a book called "James Herriot's Cat Stories" it is a book with 10 chapters, each a story on this man different cats over the years, I am not an avid reader but I am really enjoying this book...