i like to eat cucumber in my salad...............................

April 16, 2009 2:37am CST
In summer season i like to eat cucumber very much. i like to eat it in my salad. And at evening time i like to eat rather than snacks. me and my son eat cucumber. i use cucumber juice in my face pack also. i think cucumber is best for me and my skin type.
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2 responses
@aweins (4199)
• India
16 Apr 09
hi punmsharma, my dear friend, i love salads and i too love to have cucumbers in it. i eat cucumbers in my breakfast too. like i just take it, cut it in two, sprinkle some salt and lemon drops on it and eat it. i love to have it. in my salad i chop it and add many more veggies in it. it is very tasty. i too use cucumber juice on my face . it is a good relaxer and if you apply straight to your face before going out in sun, it will help you from the rays on the sun that can be harmful for you. after coming from sun , then also if you apply its juice on the face and pieces on your eyes, they will feel very relaxing and gives you a very nice feel after ten fifteen minutes. cucumber is a very good thing for us. to eat and to apply. everywhere.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
16 Apr 09
salad - salad is healthy
I especially like fruit salad. Namely I like to add different kinds of fruits inside the salad. But I seldom add vegetables inside the salad. It is healthy to have the vegetable salad, too. I love China