
April 18, 2009 8:24am CST
Internet has become very handy for everyone. As for parents, would you allow your kids to be internet-dependent for their researches or assignments or would you rather encourage them to use the books, encyclopedias and magazines in the library, instead?
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3 responses
• India
18 Apr 09
In this age of information technology,internet as a tool has lot of positive and negatives.If we use it properly,we can use full advantage of it.Some students are now get addicted to it,and lot of bad things are happening in this area.Now a days gaming and Internet addiction is a growing problem facing many families, couples, and individuals both young and old. This psychological disorder is defined as uncontrolled gaming and Internet-related behavior which interferes with or impairs normal functioning, and causes severe emotional distress for the individual, their family, friends, or their loved ones. Gaming and Internet addiction can also disrupt one’s academic performance, or their job performance. Game and Internet addicts typically and unwittingly make games and cyberspace the top priority in their daily lives.
@kassdaw (591)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Well there are good benefits to requiring that your children actually go to a library to do some research. Kids should know and need to know how to find a book in a library. However, you can read the same exact things online that you can read in a text book in a library. And kids do need to know how to find what they are looking for when doing a search online for a project. Kids need to learn how to be independent online when working on projects or assignments, they are in the classroom so they should be at home as well. Benefits of doing the research online is that you can monitor what they are doing when they are at home on the internet. As far as that goes when they are at school they are monitored by the teachers and by the school's network admin team.
@rocketsky (1013)
• China
18 Apr 09
to everybody in china ,internet is absolutely a wonderful tool,and less people really know how to make full use of it ,but more and more peole are showing great interest for it ,more and more are eager to get access to the internet and do something through it . i Got on the internet about three years ago,now i feel i can not live without it .i need it to wirte my teaching materials .i need it to play some of my favourite games ,i need it talk with my friends who lived far away from me ,many many things i need to do with it . recently ,i try to buy some books about the internet which can make me know more about it and make full use of it ,although it is a little bit difficult,i still will continue to study it .:)