do you log in every day on mylot...................

April 18, 2009 12:39pm CST
is it possible for you to log in every day on mylot. actually i like to share my experience here, so i try my best to log in here daily. but some times because of some work i feel unable myself to come on this site. What about your your log in schedule here?
6 responses
• India
1 May 09
today only i had activted my account. i will try to login this site everyday. but still its depand upon how much i can earn from this site. if i earn more money then i will spand more time on this site.
@bumba1988 (1220)
• India
18 Apr 09
Hi punmsharma,thanks for starting a discussion on this topic as mylot is one of my most favorite social networking site as here you can earn as well as make new friends.It is not possible for me to log in every single time here but I do log in as much time as I can.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
18 Apr 09
No but I try to log in everyday just to make a few post even though there are days where im just to busy to come here to post. Wich sucks since I really want to make a lot of post so I can make the payout every month. But im exausted after work and just dont feel like making post half the time.
@dodo19 (47235)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Apr 09
Yes, I do. It's become a habit of mine to log on everyday. i enjoy seeing what discussions members are posting, and replying to them and such. I enjoy spending time on mylot.
@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
18 Apr 09
Sure, but not always. If i have good internet connection then make a lot of posts, because the connection is i need to be patience response any interest topic.
@myl999 (2093)
• India
18 Apr 09
yes boss previously i undermined its potential for which i regretted actually then i was totally new to net environment now i realise how good it is and i do login daily so that i can participate in discussions and get important information too from real people daily ..u bet getting right truthful information will only help u survive the internet...