What's a PTC?

@sallysue (326)
April 21, 2009 9:07am CST
Hi: I'm looking for a work at home job. The company I worked for went bankrupt after over twenty years. So, I'm just looking for a job that I can make some good money at. When I read about PTC, CIAO, PUR or any of those kinds of abbreviations, or at least I think that's what they are. I just wonder what the foreign language is. What's all that mean? People say some are legitimate some aren't. If I don't know what that means how can I figure out if there legitimate or not. Somebody out there with a dictionary and lots and lots of safe sites. THANKS
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1 response
• Indonesia
22 Apr 09
heloo.......... am interesting about ciao, can u tell my about that tnks