child birth is a wonderful experience

@willy6 (498)
April 23, 2009 4:45pm CST
Pregnancy and reproduction are about the greatest events that will ever befall a woman. it is a wonderful, almost magical, situation. Under the right circumstances it can be happy event. But under adverse circumstances, it can be mentally frustrating, almost paralyzing situation. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancy, particularly in those not yet married, can only spell dismay, doom, and disaster. I have seen it happen too often to believe otherwise. Be careful as you progress through the early years of your life. Be sensible. Stick to the high moral code that guarantees the perfect result and the happiest situation.
2 responses
• Japan
30 Apr 09
yes pregnancy is the greatest events in our life, do you think that its a wonderfull gif? For me its is wonderfull and its a blessing.
• United States
24 Apr 09
I agree with what you said. Pregnancy is a great experience, provided your's go smoothly! Sometimes there are hiccups in the process.... I also agree that high standards and waiting to concieve is best for most people. You don't know how many people I've bumped into said that they should of waited to do the deed. Especially those who've had kids out of wedlock they are in constant battles for custody,child support & visitation,.... sometimes they have to rely on public assistance, sometimes they are just downright disappointed in how their life turned out.