Why and/or why not do you believe in God?

United States
April 25, 2009 3:55pm CST
I've always had a hard time with this one. I believe in God, in the Lord Jesus Christ, in His promises, and in His Word. I can see His hand at work everyday through creation and other people's lives. Creation speak His Name and greatness loud and clear. Yet, there are some who do not believe in God and I am curious as to why.
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12 responses
@sataness (321)
26 Apr 09
God did not 'harden my heart' nor does not believing in him mean i'm damned to universal time in Hell. I don't believe in God because i am open minded - my beliefs are not based on a book, and when the question 'How was the universe created?' i do not stop at 'Well, God must of created it.' Life is filled with plenty of things that oppose the religious ideology of God. One of the previous repliers mentioned these things: holocausts, poverty, natural disasters, the killing of life, lack of justice. There's most evidence that opposes the omnipotent and omnipresent.. and certainly the omnibenevolent idea of 'God'. I don't believe in God. I believe that humanity should have a trust in itself to take care of the universe. I believe animals are on par with humans, we are not better than them. I believe the only person that can save their soul from damnation is themself. I respect religious people, the unconditional belief in something is beyond normal comprehension in reality. To believe simply through faith. But i'm afraid that's not enough for me... My sense of morality is something that was built by my upbringing, my constant curiosity in life around me is my own doing and that of my peers, parents. And i certainly do not believe a God would condemn Women to painful childbirth and humans to feel embarassed of nakedness simply because they took an apple. We are given challenges in life that either we created or something else created. There is no fundamental evidence that the religious idea of God exists... we could have been created by all the fantasy animals that people tell stories about on Earth but exist in another universe. there could be infinate regression or it may simply be a matter of science. Happy Mylotting
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• Canada
26 Apr 09
Very well worded. I was actually impressed by your answer to this question. Religion is a personal choice and should not be pushed on anyone.
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• Canada
27 Apr 09
I beg to differ,Again, It is for the people who don't believe in a creator, to prove existence... Science has yet to do so. Scientists do believe that there is some kind of consciousness that is surrounding the world and keeps everything in balance. What is this consciousness that keeps everything in perfect balance? Aristotle has said that the universe had a beginning and it started with a vision. Vision of how the world will be.. If it happened by chance, how could it be so perfect? You take one simple thing like the eye ball.. What an advance type of camera, that takes such a crisp and clean image. Better than any man made camera we see in the world today.. Now, can you imagine a camera being created itself? That's what you're saying! Because the eyeball is a camera. If you can prove to me that a camera can somehow create itself, i swear i will leave the belief in God once and for all. You talked about holocausts, poverty, and natural disasters.. Well, one thing about human beings is that we have been given choice. Wether you believe in God or not, we all know that we are able to choose from one thing or the other. Now, with given a choice, we are free to do whatever we will right? The choices we make effect us and the people around you, that's the natural law. It has to be that way. If i decide that i wanna jump off a building right now, its my choice, i can do it.. and if i do, i cannot blame God for making me jump off. So who made nuclear bombs? was it God or choice of human beings. Ofcourse God gave the means to us to create countless things. But, we chose to develop things which cause destruction.. Poverty, we can eliminate poverty if all the rich nations come together and sincerely help and follow justice. But No, people are greedy for power and money.. and yes because they choose to be that way. Being moral is a choice. Lack of justice is a choice by human beings not a fault of God. God created us with choice, which makes us responsible for our own actions. We have been given capabilities to do either do the right thing or the wrong thing. So this definitely does not prove that there is no God! You're saying that since there is all this disaster in the world, it proves that there can't be a God. It does not fit in, how do u connect it? Humans are responsible for their actions. As far as natural disasters and other sufferings. Without suffering in the world, even if u see it individually, there would have been no progression in life! Every time we are faced with some kind of disaster, we develop new technologies or find solutions which cause us to progress and move a step ahead. You say that humanity should have a trust with themselves to take care of the universe.. alright fair enough.. i agree with that.. But, how will humanity get together? If we all give up the belief in God? How will that help.. This gives a free pass to any person can to do whatever they like.. Morals don't matter anymore.. What for? Maybe a few people here and there who just want change.. but very few.. the majority of people, if they are not answerable for their actions.. what's stopping them to do whatever they want. This is already happening, most crimes in the world u see today is coming from people who have lost the belief in God or don't care about him, don't care about morals.. You see the child abuse, rapes, murders... No religion teaches this, and yet you see this all over the place, wayy more than the crimes committed in the name of religion. Even the crimes you see that are apparently because of religious differences, they are not true believers in God! They act as God, they care nothing of God and morals.. It's out of human selfish desire and their ego that this is happening.. If they were true followers of God, you would see nothing but peace. In the beginning of Every religion, they were all the same, they taught peace, harmony, love... It's the people who made the differences!! You see, its only in the true sincere belief in God that we can come together and make a change in the world.. In the one true God which will unite us all.. being moral for God, is different from being moral because of how you were raised.. If you're doing it for God, you leave your own selfish desires and go beyond.. and strive for perfection in being moral and kind.. Because you are not doing it to please others or personal satisfaction.. you're doing it for God, because you know you will find nearness to God if you take this way and excell in it. There's a difference!! You talked about childbirth.. Again, every person has to suffer to gain something.. Thats the law of life.. No pain, no gain.. when we study to become successful, you have to go through a struggle and suffer to get the reward of being successful.. That's true life, you learn through suffering! So childbirth is an example of that, its not some kind of punishment from God, it's very naive to say that! It's a beautifull design of God, how out of nothing, a healthy baby comes into this world.. and so life continues.. and keeps going!! And about the apple.. again, people make the differences.. The story of the apple is a symbol and requires another discussion in depth.. And the teaching of covering ourselves can only be seen in humans.. It shows the dividing line between us and humans, how fast we've evolved compared to animals.. so much so that we have thoughts of going to Mars.. can u conceive the idea that a dog could ever develop something as complex as a space shuttle and travel to the moon? Are we really at par with the animals?? Look how fast we're evolving still.. yet no animal has even come close to what we have accomplished in just 100 years.. Again, it is for you guys to prove that there is No God.. I can say much much more.. to further prove that there is.. I will as the discussion goes a long.. For now, i think this is sufficient..
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
27 Apr 09
Hello sataness!!! Well I have the pretty same feeling like you. I liked your response by the way. And that's why I felt like to add something more here. I am also the open minded person like you. I don't want to get bounded by the religions, but want to choose my own path. This does not mean to disobey the religion, but I would rather like to choose the good teaching from it. And still there are many things in this world that opposes the ideology of god like you said. Well I have responded above that you. There I have said that I believe in God. I said this only because I believe in Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus as they were person once. There are many different types of other gods having supernatural powers, but I feel them everything rubbish. Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus were people like you and me, and they were respected as God because they really showed light and taught good things to the people that can take the people to the path of enlightenment. And that's why people have considered them god. Like they are also people like us, I say every person could have been god. Don't you think so? Very nice response sataness! I like it...Keep mylotting...
• Canada
26 Apr 09
I personally do not beleive. The reason is simple. If you think back in history God was created as a means to control the masses and exploit them. In ancient times they created gods to strike fear into peoples hearts and keep them under control. The fact that religion has lasted so long and still stayed a relatively mainstream thing is amazing to me since npothing ever happens to prove the existence. Theres still war. Good people die, evil people live. Things like the holocaust happen. Tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, plague, drought, famine. If there was a god and he cared, he would protect people against these things. I will admit though, even though God is in my eyes a fictional character, it does help give people peace and hope, and helps spread good.
@sataness (321)
27 Apr 09
Thanks for your compliment, and i admit i was empowered by your responce to insert my own. Its rare to find other people who use history of controlling methods of monarchy and religion to support their means. I'm impressed =P Happy mylotting x
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Apr 09
I guess the easiest way to put it is because I have no need to believe in any deity first off and secondly I find nothing in "his word" that has any purpose or holds any bearing on me or in my life in fact there is A LOT in "his word" that is totally against my beliefs and personal structure.....Meaning for me to believe in the god you speak of and follow his word would be to totally betray myself, my core being, who I am and thats just unacceptable. Naturally I can't speak for anyone else but I do knwo that there are 100+ reasons why ppl dont believe and all of them are right within each persons life....
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@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
26 Apr 09
It is becoming more and more difficult for people to believe in G'd in the world we live in today. We live in a world of instant gratification. Going to religious services take people especially young people away from that. It is very difficult to get a teenager to do anything these days. With babysitting in the church classrooms the little ones no longer even get exposed to services and are not taught how to hold still that long(no wonder kids get diagnosed with ADD). It just gets easier and easier to go to the beach or a movie or anything than to take the kids to religious services. How many working parents have the patients to kneel down and pray with their kids at night before bed. They barely have the energy to feed, bath, and see to homework much less prayers. It is going to get worse too. The Give Act that just passed is going to take millions of our kids for 3 years at a time and keep them completely away from any religious activities. 3 YEARS!!! It doesn't matter if you were studying for the priesthood or to be a Rabbi or a Minister. If you have student loans you have to volunteer for Government Service and during that time you cannot do any religious activity. Welcome to the Brown Shirts. You cannot to any Political stuff, if you work, you cannot be in a Union and there is a lot more. Shalom~Adoniah
@Wolfechu (1193)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I'm a not, I'm afraid. If there was a God, you think he'd leave even the slightest shred of evidence regarding his existence somewhere. Given that he hasn't, I have to conclude he's either not there, or simply doesn't give a toss about us.
@Wolfechu (1193)
• United States
27 Apr 09
So your actual rebuttal is 'consider the lily'? How is that even relevant to your post or mine? That's like quoting the bits about Herod to someone looking for child care solutions.
• Canada
27 Apr 09
Don't you see the evidence? Everything that's here in this world is evidence! How can you prove its existence? Just because we can't see God with our eyes or hear him.. doesn't mean he doesn't exist.. Can we see radio waves? No! but we do know they exist because we've found a way to tune into these waves so that we can hear them. Similarly, in order to find God you need to tune in a special way to find him, and that is prayer which the prophets of God have taught us. But, sadly most of us think its a waste of time, they want God to just appear. God is not an object, we can see objects when light hits that object. God is something else, a spiritual being. So you have to reach him spiritually! But, in his creation you can find his existence. For instance when you see a beautiful rose, u have to wonder where it came from, the magnificent fragrance, the lush red colour.. where did it come from? was there an artist who made it.. or did it just create itself? Can magnificent painting paint itself? So how can the wondrous things we see in this world be there without a designer?
• United States
27 Apr 09
And what about the birds of the air?? They have to be able to feed their young and build a home. Only God could have made that possible for them! And if He cares for them like that, how much more He cares for us!!! (Matt 6:26) He allowed us to have the means to create jobs and work so that we may get paid and provide for our families. Granted, some of us (like myself) do not have jobs right now, but I know that because God loves me, He will make a way! Look at the flowers and their beauty! Look at the mountains and their splendor! What beauty! The trees knowing when to grow new leaves and when to let go of them! That can only be God!!!
@smelz23 (190)
• Philippines
26 Apr 09
Because There is no concrete explanation of why all things comes out and formed a life form and or any substances. Because For me GOD created everything. He created all that we can see or sense. GOD gave us life.
• United States
26 Apr 09
As it says in Genesis 1 and 2 where it gives an account of how God created the earth and man. Very true! And not only did He give us physical life, but He also gave us spiritual life so that we may spend eternity with Him. How amazing is that?!!!!
• United States
26 Apr 09
the bible is no historic fact. if there was a GOD what makes us humans so special? the earth is less the a grain of sand on every beach on this planet compared to the rest of the universe. we are not that special face it
@kassdaw (591)
• United States
30 Apr 09
IMAGINARY PEOPLE DO NOT EXIST! How much more clear can I make that? Also if there indeed was a god of some sort, he/she has some sick thoughts and must be a comedian. I mean come one look at 9/11, the Holicaust, men, birth defects and deformities, the loss of children. Need I go on? Faith is blind, it sees no miracles or proof and yet it tries to follow only to run face first into a wall and have worlds shatter. People need something to believe in but could they pick something more realistic like themselves.
• Canada
27 Apr 09
Alright... I believe in God, but i believe in the unity of God. I don't understand how christians can believe that Jesus was the actual literal son of God. God cannot have a son. Jesus never claims in the bible that he was the actual son of God. He never commanded his followers to worship him. Just because Mary was chaste? It is still scientifically possible for a woman to conceive a child without a partner. It's seen throughout nature and science proves it. It makes total sense to me that there is a God but only one God! It is for a person who doesn't believe in God to prove to us that there's no God. How will you prove existence. Chance? How can chance end up being so perfect and organized and balanced?
@Frederick42 (2024)
• Canada
26 Apr 09
I do not believe in God because there is no God. How can I believe in something which does not exist? I have always been a practical person. I do not like to waste my life believeing in fantasy. I do not believe in Santa Claus, Mickey mouse , the fairy chicken and in God.
• United States
26 Apr 09
There must be a reason as to why you do not believe that God exists. Why is that?
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
26 Apr 09
Hello melonsbrain!!! Yes I believe in God. I believe in Lord Buddha and also Lord Jesus Christ. But I don't believe in other supernatural gods. Why do I believe in Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus Christ? It's because they were also person like you and me. The difference is that they really understood the truth, and took the path of truth and tried to let this world know about the truth but we people really failed to understand them. Yes there are people too who understand the truth but cannot accept in his one life. The most important thing is that, you, me and every person could have been God. We could have been another Lord Buddha, another Jesus Christ. But we are really attach to this mortal world and therefore cannot take the sacrificial path like them. In my opinion, the mean of God is to be enlightened. And by enlightenment I mean, being free from the boundary of life. We may die in this earth, but our soul still remains and languish in this earth for another life. This is because our soul is not yet purified and the purification of heart is the enlightenment. And with this you and I can be God. For me this is the real meaning of God. You don't need to pray Lord Jesus, you don't need to pray Lord Buddha, but follow the path shown by them. This is the most important thing than the case of believe or not case. About the very same thing I just posted the same way yesterday in another thread too. Anyway!!!Nice post melonsbrain...Keep mylotting...
• Philippines
26 Apr 09
Maybe other people have been through a lot in life and they think that there is no God at all... But for me every morning that we wake up is a gift from God and everything that is happening to us is according to His plan. I really can't imagine why there's a lot who do not believe in Him. Because this life that we have is from God and everything that we have is because of Him.
• United States
26 Apr 09
I totally agree with you. Psalm 188:24 - "This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." It is always amazing that He gave us a new day, a new day to praise Him and walk with Him!
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
27 Apr 09
I do believe in god and i feel that god has done lots of things for me....earlier i did not used to believe in god but after some incidents which took place in my life it was like an eye opener and really made me a new person.....i feel believing in god is a personal choice and i choose to believe in him......many just give up half the way thinking that their prayers are never going to get answered....that's where they go wrong.....god does listen to your prayers but he takes his own time and provides things when he feels is the right time for you......thanks for the discussion !!!!