A little ENCOURAGEMENT in tough times!

April 25, 2009 11:55pm CST
I came across a little pdf file online the other day which brought home an extremely pertinent message to these times and that will help every single person who views it to look at the current economic crisis in a completely different light. http://www.thesgrprogram.com/project/media/downloads/special-wealth-report.pdf Interesting huh? It's true that the media makes money by sensationalising everything... but all of these things have all happened before... and we have somehow managed to survive them and the same will happen this time. What do you think about this? Oh, and I recommend you view the 'chicken little economy' video via the link on page 20... it will give you a good laugh.
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1 response
• United States
26 Apr 09
well interesting concept and information. It shows still no matter what to take up the details each and every time. Thanks. God Blesses! Sandy