Are you allergic to anything?

@mimpi1911 (25464)
April 28, 2009 3:27am CST
I am allergic to drugs. How terrible could it get! Every time, I take some medicine I have to pop in anti allergic pills! And since you may have to take it anytime of the day it gets difficult at times. You cannot even doze off in the office! Are you allergic to any food stuff or pollens, drugs or dust?
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85 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I'm allergic to strawberries (which of course i love and cant really eat)..I am also allergic to pollens etc and I'm allergic to the sun....Yes the sun...
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
Strawberry!!?? That's terrible1 I am allergic to sweat. Since it very humid here I have really take care that I do not sweat much.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Apr 09
yea the strawberry allergy is hard since I lvoe them so much but being allergic to the sun is even worse since I'm a HUGE fan of summer, being at the beach, tanning, swimming etc...
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• United States
30 Apr 09
I am not allergic to anything. Once I had to take my boyfriend to the hospital because he took Pamprin...Yes Pamprin..the anti-cramping medicine that is for women during that special time of month. He thought he was being cute and then we was in the hospital hooked up to a breathing machine. Of course it all ended up alright however, something with in the medicine is what he was allergic to. My cousin is allergic to grass. I wonder what life would be like to not be able to roll in the grass??
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
28 Apr 09
There are only two things that I know of that I'm allergic to: spider venom and Eucalyptus flowers. There were a LOT of Eucalyptus trees on the college campus where I went to school, and every spring they would make my eyes and nose run something awful. It is a great wonder that I did not just move away and attend a different school. Oh, well. That is all water over the dam now.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
That might have been awful thing to deal it but how did you spot the spider venom one!
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Oh, I've never been bitten by a poisonous one, but any spider bite makes a huge red lump that drives me wacky for up to 2 weeks.
@sang2k2 (1833)
• India
30 Apr 09
i am allergic to smell ..smell as in of any kind good or bad..i get headache after smelling something continuously or around it.even smell from incense stick or even the aroma of the food being cooked for a longer time...cant take it...
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
30 Apr 09
A lot of people are allergic to certain kinds of odors. I used to sell Avon. That's how I know this. Some people can't use certain kinds of cologne because it gives them a headache. Other people can't be around people with certain kinds of cologne on. I have a lot of allergies but cologne is one thing I'm glad I'm not allergic to. I love wearing cologne. Incense gives me a headache but would believe I still like to burn it sometimes?It sounds like to me that you're allergic to all kinds of odors. Happy mylotting! Kathy.
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
help!!(t_t) - Flee bite photo.

Mine are smaller and covers both of my legs and feet, plus some spots on my arms.(T_T)
Oh my! This discussion has not come at a better time. Ill explain later. Yeah, Im allergic to crustaceans, more specifically crabs. I havent tried lobster so Im not sure if Im also allergic to it. Are shrimps considered as a crustacean? I really dont think so, but anyway, Im allergic to that to but at least over the years Ive developed immunity to it by gradual exposure. Same thing with the crabs but I really dont go overboard with them. I just eat small portions of it just to be sure and to prevent another outbreak in case that ever happens again. When I was a baby I was allergic to Johnson$Johnson baby shampoo. I loved the smell of it too but Id have rashes on my neck after using it. I used to be allergic to chocolate to. Luckily I got over this allergy cause I simply cannot give up and pass up chocolate. Yum!^_^ Anyway, back to my first see, Im currently suffering from a bad case of flea bite allergy. A few days ago I only had those marks on my feet, I scratched them cause they were very itchy then I guess I scratched too hard cause the next day it got wounded.tsk3 I just thought they were rashes from somewhere. But 2 days after, they red marks spread to both of my legs! I thought it was chicken pox(never had it) so I searched for it on the net just to make sure on what they looked like. Gladly, it wasnt the pox. Now, on its 4th day, they're now spreading to my arms! That's when I knew it was flea bites. I was playing with my pets the day it all started. The bites are itching like crazy!! I can only keep myself from scratching them and boy am I losing. Ive already put medicine on the bites and used another chair just to be sure. Im hoping that these wont leave scars when it heals.(T_T)
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
Hang on sweetie, will respond in a while..
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
Okay, thanks mimpi, I can manage now. The ointment seems to be working It doesnt itch as much anymore. Hopefully, it'll be better tomorrow..
• United States
28 Apr 09
I am not allergic to anything, or if I am I have not come in contact with it yet. My middle son is allergic to a certain type of antibiotic but other than that my kids arent allergic to anything either.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
I am glad that you are not allergic to anything.
@boznik04 (11)
• Philippines
30 Apr 09
I developed an allergic reaction to penicillin after I gave birth. Kind of odd, don't you think?
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I don't think it's so odd. A lot of people are allergic to penicillin. You need to let your doctor know that you are allergic to it anytime you go to his/her office. Sometimes they will ask you if you're allergic to it before they write you a prescription. Hope you are doing well and happy mylotting! Kathy.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Apr 09
Not that I'm aware of! I once had a Doctor tell me that I have an "adverse reaction to penicillin" so for many years I was taking some other crap whenever I had to take antibiotics, but I ended up buying penicillin over the counter when there was little else available one time and nothing "adverse" happened, so it appears it was a misdiagnosis. I'm mentally allergic to rhubarb though!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
Mentally! Coming to that the thought of creepy crawlies give me an allergic attack mentally. My mom thinks I am paranoiac.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
29 Apr 09
Paranoiac! I like that! lol. Congrats on getting the top rated discussion for today too Mimpi!
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
29 Apr 09
Paranoiac..... I like the way that sounds for some reason! lol. Congrats on getting the top rated discussion for today too Mimpi!
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
i am allergic to common stuff such as dust, pet fur and stuff like that. i dont take a lot of anti histimines but i do use nose spray for my nose so it doesnt get too stuffy and only take medications when i am really bad.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
Nose spray could be a relief. And nothing like stuffy nose. you take care cher.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
29 Apr 09
I must say I am blessed in the sense that I am not allergic to anything. I know a good friend who is allergic to seafood. A few years ago, I hired a maid in my home, and she was allergic to chicken and eggs. She didn't tell us at the point of hiring, and only disclosed this 3 months later, when her probation was just over. She will get rashes on her hands and legs if she eats chicken and eggs. Her allergy gave us quite a bit of a headache, because many things we eat weekly in our usual meals either has chicken or eggs in them. We had quite a lot of difficulty juggling with our menu to either cater to her allergy by eating less of foods that affect her, or we buy other stuff for her that she can eat.
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• Philippines
28 Apr 09
I am not really into allergy mimpi, but I can't stand with dust, I sneeze like a hundred times when a place is so dusty, I think I wont categorically say that it is an allergy since I don't have itchiness or red stuff in the skin or something just sneezing, well, I don't know exactly if its allergy. I don't take pills when I have those I just get away immediately at the place or cover my mouth and nose all the time when I can't help to go out !
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
My mom has dust allergies. She cannot even smell in fresh paints. She gets sneezes and bad allergies.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I used to be allercic to bee stings and antibiotics when I was little. I have grown out of them both. I'm still cautious because these allergies can always some back but as for now I'm not to either. I think I have a slight allergy to pllon or something because in the Spring and sometimes in the summer I get the sniffles.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
This reminds me of the fact that I am allergic to stings as well. Thinking of creepy crawlies make me feel allergic. My mom thinks its all in my mind
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@mzj033y (185)
• United States
28 Apr 09
i am really not sure what I am allergic to. But just recently, well several months ago and it is still occuring now, I've been sneezing every single morning and if i am not sneezing it is not me. Maybe I am allergic to dust. I am not sure. But I feel like I've wrap alot of "wantons" with the tissues I've been using for my nose every morning. I asked my doctor about this and he said it was allergy season. I am not sure about that. I've been having this with me ever since september and i can tell you it is not that simple.
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@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
28 Apr 09
Oh.. I'm allergic to many things... Eucalyptus, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, dust, honeysuckle, bees, my own blood . sweat . and tears if they come into contact with my own skin, I have mild reactions if water runs across my feet, salycic acid, as well as methyl/methane byproducts such as: red dye #40, formaldehyde, asthma inhalers, Benedryl and many other liquid medications, many chemical cleaners, mayo, most cosmetics . shampoos . soaps . conditioners . hand lotions . gelcapsules, naproxen, most perfumes/colognes especially Bod
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
OMG! I have strategic allergies to many things as well.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
28 Apr 09
LOL Yeah.. I can't really be anywhere near a fresh spray of it.. :/ But then again.. there isn't much that I'm not allergic to anymore.. stinkin blood disorder rofl
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
28 Apr 09
LOL I can't watch videos/have audio where I'm at right now.
@Maryam27 (411)
• Pakistan
15 May 09
Well I am allergic to dust, odor (any and all type) pollution and a few other things that I don't seem to remember right now :D lol!
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@rainbow (6761)
6 May 09
Handling fish makes my hands itch and eating crab makes my lips itch a bit but other than that I'm pretty good! I don't take medicine if I can help it and I'm sorry it makes you poorly, even non-drousy benelin (cough syrup) for kids makes me sleepy so I try to avoid anything that is not natural, lol.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 May 09
That's so true! It keeps you dizzy all through the day and i try to avoid it as well. I used to be allergic to crab as a child. now i do not eat it anymore, so not sure.
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
28 Apr 09
As a kid I am allergic to prawns, whenever I ate some my skin gets itchy and turn into red, but not anymore, I love them now, lol. I'm not sure if I'm also allergic to dust, but whenever I do dusting here in the house, it makes me sneeze a lot.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
As a child even I was allergic to crabs and prawns, lobsters. And my mom gets severe allergies to dust, She also ha asthma So you better keep watch while dusting. Try to avoid dust as much as possible. Did you finish off the chips pack yesterday?
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
28 Apr 09
Yes I have finished one pack yesterday and we still have one and maybe I'll eat it tomorrow. You want some chips, dear? I also have chocolate (galaxy flutes) very tasty.
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
yeah... i am.. in so many things... food like shrimps, lobsters, crabs...waaa... medicine..paracetamol... dust and tall grass... huhu :(
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
So many thing! I used to get allergies to crabs and lobsters as a child.I try to eat them less now. I think you are allergic parthenium which are present in grasses.
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
29 Apr 09
That sucks! I love seafood!
@pickwick (858)
• India
28 Apr 09
Hi mimpi!I am allergic to dust.Get wheezing when exposed to it . I am also allergic to aniseed.Here in India we have the custom of chewing aniseed after meals.That causes swelling in my mouth which persists for couple of days.So I avoid eating aniseed.But when it is added to any dish it does not cause these symptoms.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
Really! My mom is allergic to dust but aniseed a new one. you take care Su.
@Jae2619 (1483)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I am allergic to strawberries. Real and artifical. i get horrible hives all over my body and on the back of my throat. The sad thing is, I actually love strawberries. Boo hoo!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Apr 09
Awwh! You are the second one who said that strawberry causes them allergies.
@longwood (17)
• China
30 Apr 09
I am allergic to some small insect, such as: black beetle.
• Ireland
1 May 09
I feel like I'm allergic to insects too.Oh,maybe that's just the fear?...:)