you cant help who you love....

United States
April 30, 2009 1:20am CST
ok so i have been dating this guy, i have been with him for almost 4 years. And i love him and alo have two beautiful boys by him.. he was my first in most areas and together we share a lot of first with our kids.. when we first met ( as taco bell employees ) he flattered me, and whistled at me, and made me feel so special. no one ever baught me flowers before, no one ever said i was pretty ( who i did not feel like they were being a perv. ) he was always opening the door for me, and pushing out my chair, and being a real man sort of speak. which he is seven years older then me. But i love him, and i always will no matter what happens between us.. but i look at things more differently in alot of area that others would give up on. when i met scott, he was just gettiing out of jail, and needed some help.. so i started to hang out with him, and help him get to his probation visits he had to go to once a month to a town that was 45 minutes away. and sometimes i would pick him up for work.. He would take me camping,and then we would go down into some caves, and he took me to the movies.; and everything was great, perfect. then i found out i was pregnant, and we were so happy, always wanted a child, and there for about a year thought i could not have any. and when i was about fivemonths preg. he told me he had cheated on me and felt bad about it, and he needed to get out and be alone to think about everything, and i told him he knew where the door was. so my mom kicks me out of the house, and told me she was not raising another child,and that was that, it was december, and cold, so i would stay with a few friends for a few nights and then go to another ones house, cause i literally has no where to go. But i still love him, he helped me so much, and got me out of some real bad situations, like my mom was a total B*&%$ and as soon as i turned 18 scott moved me out of her house, but we let our apt go when i found i was preg. cause it had alot of leaks and land lord wouldnot fix them. so mom let me move back in with scott. but everytime he comes back i take him back, and he dont give me a sob story and i dont ask, i think that when he realizes that he was not happy he comes back, but see, i dont see how he wants to find someone else, because the way i was raised is that the guys only job in the house is to take out the trash, and thats it. i wash all his clothes, i clean the house, i do the dishes, i change all the diapers when i am home, i feed the family, i cook, i work and make the money. and the only thing i want him to do is take the trash out, because it would offend me to see him clean or wash a dish, and i tell him that... but yet he has cheated on me atleast 4 times, in four years, and everytime he comes back i make him get tested for std's cause i have never been with no one else but him, and i am 21 now, and if i ever got something it would be because of him, never me.. what is your opinion on this, what do you think i should do?
2 responses
@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
11 May 09
all i can say is " once is enough, twice is too much, trice is stupidity". i am sorry girl, reality bites, he is not worth even a single ounce of your attention. good luck in finding the right man for you!
• United States
17 May 09
thankyou i appreciate your opinion, every thought counts, but sometime it is just hard to let go. and walk away. :)
@vivianchen (2646)
• China
30 Apr 09
Hi Amanduh, Well, it's a long story and it took a while to read through it. So you are saying you've been with this guy name Scott for 4 years, is that right? And he is the one who cheat on you for 4 times during this 4 years, correct? I don't get it, you were saying you love him and will never change your love to him, and you got two babies with him, how could he still cheat on you? Sorry, but i think he is not the right man for you, the same mistake should not happen more than 3 times, obviously, he is beyond the limit. If i were you, i will talk to him staright forward, you will leave him forever if he ever do that again. At the same time, i think he should take his responsibilty to supprot the whole family, you and your kids. Best wishes to you!
• United States
2 May 09
sometimes i do want to just give it up, but then i feel like i am giving up on everything i worked hard for, and then other times i feel as if all my efforts are not good enough.. he has made his mistakes, and granted they are bigger ones, but then i second guess my self and dont know what to do.. i wish he would grow up and realize what he has, or what he is going to lose, i mentally cant take any more of it.. but we have way more good moments then we do bad, just his bad ones are really bad, like i would never cheat, thats not way. thankyou for uour opinion i will take it to conciteration :)