do you feel ashame if your husband's work is not presentable like other?

South Korea
May 2, 2009 5:06am CST
i mean would you feel ashame if your friends husband is better than your husband?if other person wearing some necktie and wearing the office uniform. but you husband is just only a worker or let me say is not that presentable like other.what will you feel?do you wish your husband is one of those? frankly speaking my husband work is not really that presentable its because he is not working in any office company or his business is not that big as other big company. my husband business is realated with sea foods and frozen sea goods, he export and import as well, i know he is not comfortable and he wish he is like other who earing those presentable dress.but for me my husbands work and what are work he is is very comfortable for me what ever my husband is i really love and i accepted what kind of person he is.i dont wish he is the person who wear a shiny shoes and wearing about your guys do you wish to your husband is better than other?
2 responses
• Philippines
2 May 09
I think it depends on how you define "better" or "presentable". As for my husband, he does work in an office, wears office attire and he is called "Sir" or "Boss" and is well respected by both subordinates and peers. Then there's also one i know who dresses raggedly maybe like your husband, gets his hands and clothes greasy yet owns an honest business and gets a bigger income than my husband. In some aspects one has an advantage over the other and vice versa. I am glad that my husband exudes a clean, neat and respectable personality but that doesn't mean that men who do not wear business suits or shiny shoes are not worth presenting anymore. It's what's inside the man, a clean heart and mind, his love for God and how he respects his fellow human beings and the law that matters. If my husband retires or maybe just suddenly change jobs and venture into a business where a suit and necktie become out of place, i would be just a supportive wife, someone he can come home to after a humbling hard day's work.
• South Korea
2 May 09
you are a great wife, i'm sure! thats why your husband was very inlove with you.anyway i am not looking for the persons status,i agree with you thats not really a matter the important is good heart and his personality. my husband income is pretty good.he earn more than office worker.he is the boss he has some workers, but sometimes he asked me if i feel ashamed if we were together and his clothes is not clean and he wore a market boots,but i dont felt any ashamed for that.sometimes i felt sorry for him for being a hard working husband. i worked in a good place wearing a proffesional clothes but he is totaly opposite with me,but who cares?but to be honest i wish he don't worked that hard,i wish i can help him,but i can't do his work. i'm just always here to support him in times of his weaknesses.,
• Philippines
3 May 09
You are, too, friend! Let us just continue showing our husbands we love them that much!
@Archie0 (5651)
2 May 09
I think more than being ashamed i would be sad for him, he is not doing it purposefully for me to be ashamed.i dont care for world i care for him. and if his work is not presentable i will love to help him in that. but i dont think for me its a better idea to be ashamed on my husband.
• South Korea
2 May 09
yes you got it right.i felt so sorry for my husband,he went out so early but i hope someday i can help him.and i really want him to live the life that he don't experience yet.i don't ashamed what ever my husband's work,because he has a hard work with his own sweat.