Are you happy or trying to be?

May 5, 2009 4:43am CST
This question has been wandering in my mind for 5 long years and it actually been a very controversial question for me. Am I really happy? If you'll ask me? I might be caught in the middle. I have so many things in mind and so little time. So many lies.. I just want to ask you if you are happy?contented and ready to face the world?
5 responses
@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
5 May 09
If you want to be happy, then be happy. Don't think so much of the things that make you sad... Life is a struggle but I decided to be happy.
• Afghanistan
6 May 09
that's not easy. that's to childish.. We are in the real world and when you are not happy, you are NOT happy and no thinking of something nice ldcou help you.
@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
7 May 09
Choosing to be happy is not being childish. Being happy is not a childish act. Old or young, everybody deserves to be happy. Life is not all about happiness, but it is to a feeling and a moment that needs to be savored and experienced with. If you decide to cry and be sad and feel low then you can... But if you want to smile, be happy and enjoy it is somehow a different kind of feeling rather than being problematic. Cheer up! Life is not that bad!
@Glow1971 (354)
• Spain
10 May 09
I sometimes wonder myself if I'm truly happy in my life. I would have to say overall I am a happy person and I'm grateful that my kids are healthy, but I have unfinished business that I would love to take care of and I'm working on them. I believe that if we really want to be happy, we need to look for it and not be so pessimistic and negative.
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
6 May 09
Hello I have always believed that happiness is a state of mind. You can only be happy if you decide to be happy. If a person chooses to be happy only when all his problems are solved, then he will have a very long and useless wait. The world will never run out of misery. But then, there are are a lot of things in this world that can make us happy. Children, gifts, love...Why not look at those things and allow yourself to feel happy. Have a nice day!
• China
6 May 09
hi, cutie mayeenella, the above you said is true. And ages bring tons of things into our mind, and they come to us one by one, but sometimes they like to come together, so as a whole person, we are asked to handle them together.As to the matter of being happy or not, it depends.I am contented about someting, eg.i have a considerate GF, a lovely family; and several mess come together will make me sad, especially for a long time and at the same time. and god let to say nice day to you!LOL
@Greenhill (178)
• United States
5 May 09
I am very happy. I don't really understand what you mean about lies? My husband and I have a very happy life. We are retired and we are not rich but we are comfortable. Everything we own is paid for, we have no debt at all. We pay cash or we don't buy things. Summer is my favorite time and now that it's here I am very happy!