How spicy foods can kill cancers...

@minfas (878)
Sri Lanka
May 6, 2009 7:23am CST
This might be old news, but good for all those who missed reading it... Scientists have discovered the key to the ability of spicy foods to kill cancer cells. They found capsaicin, an ingredient of jalapeno peppers, triggers cancer cell death by attacking mitochondria - the cells' energy-generating boiler rooms. The research raises the possibility that other cancer drugs could be developed to target mitochondria. The Nottingham University study features in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. The study showed that the family of molecules to which capsaicin belongs, the vanilloids, bind to proteins in the cancer cell mitochondria to trigger apoptosis, or cell death, without harming surrounding healthy cells. Read more here
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8 responses
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
6 May 09
Actually it is new for me to learn. It is a good news. As here people often think that spicy food are not so good for the health. But in my country the food in some places are quite spicy, but it seems that some people still have cancer. I hope the scientists will find a solution to deal with this deadly disease one day. I love China
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@minfas (878)
• Sri Lanka
7 May 09
Over here in my country majority of the foods we eat are spicy...
7 May 09
Hi minfas, That is good news for people like us who eats spicy food but sometimes our stomach cant take as we get a bit older. Tamara
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
6 May 09
Hi minfas, I had not heard about this before, thanks for the info. Blessings.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
17 May 09
That's really interesting minfas! I had never heard that. I'm not much of a spicy fod eater but I may try to start eating I can handle it. My b/f eats anything spicy. The hotter the better for him. Thanks for the info and take care.
@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
6 May 09
This is good news since I am a fan of spicy food. But according to the news, it's capsaicin that help to kill cancer cell. What about other peppers and spicy ingredients? Does they work too?
@minfas (878)
• Sri Lanka
6 May 09
Maybe i think in whatever capsaicin is will help for this purpose i think
• Indonesia
6 May 09
..... my grandfather who like chili die because of tumor...... I refuse to believe that thesis.
@jersey86 (1348)
• Philippines
6 May 09
hello minfas(507)... im happy to hear that. because i really love spicy its my favorite... i ate more if my food is spicy...
• Philippines
6 May 09
I wish i could get my sis in law to eat spicy food. She does not eat anything spicy hot...and she was diagnosed with stage four cancer just three months ago.