have you been involve in our situation today?crisis?

@mymaria (379)
May 11, 2009 12:35am CST
you are the one who make decision in order to have a right to think and decide for our country!. we can notice today that our economy fall down. most of us suffer poverty because of corruptions by the politics. we cannot survive in our daily needs because our income is not enough for us specially if we have lots of children. we cannot also choose the right person to be in the top or to be a leader. we don't know what really his plan for us. we as a part of our society, a member of different institutions we always have to listen, and involve whatever decision had made by our government. we cannot just set and look up with them and wait for their commands and decision. it affects to our economy that make us suffer a lot. im only student but im welling to involve in any activities which can help us to know better to our government. i know what kinds of issue they talk with. news in the television can help us to have a participation and listen also to different opinion and made your own. how about your idea?would you participate in any discussion with our government?especially in crisis issues?
2 responses
• India
30 May 09
The best way you can involve yourself is volunteership. No need of discussions with govt and other bodies. Go on make your funds and volunteer in any social activity that supports economy...!
• Lithuania
11 May 09
yes, the situation with a crisis is horrible. people save their money as much as possible, so many people lost their jobs and etc.. the prices still growing, but salaries are the same.. the banks taking our houses because we do not have enough money when we lost a job.. the banks do not care about it they not gonna wait..a bubble of economy almost explode. we all will live like after a war.. in my country polit seym do not listen their people.. polit seym do not care about a crisis and they do not save our money they look how their pockets make as much full as possible.. only corruption makes a crisis worst..