Like going to home after work?

@med889 (5941)
May 11, 2009 7:52am CST
work is over for today and I'm going home, Hurrah!Its indeed so good when work is over in the office and all you got to do is to pack up and go,I just love this time everyday, What about you?
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12 responses
• Philippines
12 May 09
There's no better time in the world. As soon as I get home I put my feet up and relax. Packing up and going home well sometimes after a very hectic day at work there's nothing you look for ward to more than that instant the clock strikes and you're out. :)
• Philippines
13 May 09
yep! there's a time for chillin' and hangin' out and there's a time for goin' home and well I prefer to go straight home and relax rather than hang out. I hang out with my friends on weekends when there's no work. ehehe :)
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
Yes you are totally right and i think people who keeps on hanging out rather than going to home then they should understand that there is no better place than home sweet home.
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
15 May 09
Always cool go to home after work because we can do at our home what ever we want and we can get free time but in the office it is not like so we need to work and focus on work only.
@med889 (5941)
15 May 09
Yes its always cool to go home from work, we can get to do many things which we cannot do at work, and I just miss the shower, the rest, the bed and the food ;-)
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
11 May 09
I think I have a routine schedule everyday. Every morning I go to work. And I go home in the afternoon after work. Sometimes I will go to the supermarket to buy some groceries. After that, I will go home right away. I have no other place to go since I know my family is waiting for me at home so that we can have a dinner together. And in the weekends we go out together. I love China
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
Thats good to know and I really appreciate people like that who gives time to their home rather hanging out with friends when someone is still waiting for then at home.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
15 May 09
I always go home as soon as the work is over. But I don't have a personal computer and TV at home, I can do nothing but take a bath and wash cloths. So I always go out, sometimes go to the library or go to the cyber-cafe where I can do mylotting and learn english. I am single now, so I am free after work. And when I am tried or it's late, I will go home. I need to sleep enough for the next day. This is my life, Happy everyday, Med889!
@med889 (5941)
15 May 09
Hello pengbubu, its true that if there is nothing interesting at home then I will obviously stay late at work itself ;-)
• China
13 May 09
Yes, the time after work is always a wonderful time! It means I can do everything I want. And I enjoy the relax feeling on my way home.
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
And I constantly think of the shower, the food already prepared, the bed and the rest ;-)
• Thailand
15 May 09
Good for you, it's your time to go home, an hour more before living the office as well. My time now is a break time, coffee first to get a head relax. OOps! hypentension is not advisable to take this? Hi? Is there a break time to your office?
@med889 (5941)
15 May 09
Yes I have tea break in the office I also have my breakfast time in the morning and I work for 7 hours daily and when Its time to pack up I think its the most wonderful moment in the day ;-)
• Philippines
11 May 09
yep i love that time of the day too. it's like saying that it's now your time to rest from work and stress.
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
Yes And I can only think of food at home and the shower and then My bed to rest for atleast eigth full hours and then again today I had to wake up, its just a routine;-(
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
11 May 09
Yup, it's a pleasure going home after a day's work. I can hardly wait, especially on Mondays. The thought of kicking off those shoes, formal wear (jacket, shirt & pants) and taking a long warm shower! And to sit back and relax!
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
Yeah I also wait for taking off the formal habit and then back in my jeans and shirts and barefooted at home. Well every monday I feel when will there be again a saturday and when Sunday is over I wonder why hould there be any working days;-)
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
11 May 09
These days, I like going straight home after work too. I did not use to be like that. I used to go out almost every night with friends, having drinks or simply hanging out at a coffee shop. I rarely ate at home then. Now, I have learned to appreciate relaxing at home and just watching prime time TV. Take care!
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
Even I am like this, whenever there is soemthing which I feel bad about then I prefer to stay in the office for late and then take the last bus well something like that but now or recently I love going home.
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
11 May 09
Yes I love going home every time my working hours is over. That was when I was still working. Now that I have been at home for 10 long months, I miss working. I am a person who always go home straight from work. I hate going to parties, drinking or stopping over a friend's house. I am not an easy-go-lucky person. I have always devoted my time to more important things. Rest is more important to me than anything else. When I work again I will devote my time more at home after work. Now that I have a family I will value time twice the value I am giving to it before. I love working and my best place to relax is at home. My husband and my son are my source of strength and so seeing them after a tiring work day is an energy booster!
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
Thank you for responding to my discussions and I think you are right its always a great pleasure to see the one you have been missing all day during work and now finally after work you are going back to them. I rush to go home because first of all I am always very hungry, I miss my shower a lot after a whole day in the office and then the rest is so important to me.
@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
11 May 09
Of course I do. After working, I can't wait to get home where I can rest and ease all the tension I accumulate at work. That's why I am a bit irritated when I have to drive along leisure driver that wish to enjoy the scenery but dominate the road (their vehicle eat up my space )
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
Thankfully I don't have to drive as I would have been exhausted by the time I reach home, I take a taxi and then the rest is up to him to take me home safe and sound.;-)
• Philippines
11 May 09
Mondays till Thursdays,I love going straight home after work.I want to rest.sometimes,I go out with friends.we'll watch a movie or have dinner.Come Fridays,it depends.sometimes I go out with friends.sometimes I go straight home to read a book or surf the internet.
@med889 (5941)
13 May 09
wow 40 pounds thats really good dear, now I think exercise will help me out. Because I cannot keep away from things I love to eat.