NEW Tasks on myLot

@tzaddi (395)
May 13, 2009 10:07pm CST
hi there! myLot said that you could make your own task and it will create more available tasks for everyone, but will you pay someone fair enough for them to accept and finish your task that you posted?
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4 responses
@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
14 May 09
It's your obligation to pay someone if you post a task for other member. I think we must honest and fair with our obligation. Don't try to cheat other because if you don't pay you'll get reported and perhaps banned from mylot. In my opinion, this new tasks feature is really useful and helpful for people who have to finish their assignment but don't have enough idea. Perhaps it will interesting for college student, writer, etc. I'm sure that the purpose of this new enhancement is for giving us a chance for helping each other. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
@eiram25 (1076)
• Philippines
14 May 09
hi tzaddi! you know what? the recent alert sent by mylot kinda reminds of mturk.but i think it can be both beneficial to mylotters who want to complete tasks and to those who want to have some tasks completed for's a good thing that they started to modify and widen the possibilities of earning from this site.about your question,i will pay fair enough to those who completed my task.i would've wanted it to happen to me also if i were in their shoes. happy mylotting!
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
14 May 09
Of course if you decide to submit your own tasks if the pay is not equitable then your tasks might not be attracted to everyone in here. So to have your tasks you have to pay them so they would act on it. So far there has been a few tasks I see that I can use. Looking forward to have those researches since I am good at that so far.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
14 May 09
i got also alert this one but still i dont know the exact idea of this because im new . still trying to findways and means what is this and seeking ideas before jumping into action. if i can see it is fair and quite advantage for me maybe i do the task but if not maybe i dont accept.