i am happiest myLotter right now...!

@anangf (1146)
May 14, 2009 8:19pm CST
i have completed my first 3 task yesterday. and good news is, in couple hour ahead, my task have been accepted. and unbelieveable my account has increased dramatically. thank you to myLot... to design this site became interesting experience. there is a lot lesson i have studies. for the jobs poster thank you too...how about you? have you has experience to share with me?
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11 responses
• United States
15 May 09
Congrats! I have not figured out how to sign up for tasks yet, but I would like to. I keep checking but there are none to accept. Is there a trick?
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Jun 09
Today is Monday and that's usually when new ones appear so I hope you all find some. Good luck!
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
8 Jun 09
Hey thank you mys, You are right. Its good you remind me about it. I realy waiting after 3 days untasks
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
8 Jun 09
That is brilliant! Congratulations anangf. I normally don't check the tasks. I think I will keep an eye open from now on, to check out the task tab too. ;) Its wonderful that all your tasks have been accepted.Keep up the good work. Happy myLotting!
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@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
8 Jun 09
Yea,..you should cbeee3.. Keep an eyes is good too. To the best result in submitted a task i try to stay focus. But hey..., its hard to find all task have been accepted. Recently, My rejected tasks is about twenty percents, compare to when i started this topic. Its not good..
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@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
8 Jun 09
hehehe,..Thanks for supporting me. About emo, i see you almost reach it. About couple hour ahead maybe??
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
8 Jun 09
But u did make $ with the accepted tasks, which is great. I am sure your rejected tasks will go down :) God bless!! For now my only target is getting to 200 posts so that I can use the emotes :p
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
8 Jun 09
That's great! Congratulations!! I hardly get any time to go for Tasks but they are undoubtedly nice inclusions. People can earn money.
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
8 Jun 09
Hehehe, mimpi thank you... Its great, Altough i must set again my regular time to sleep, because i usually find it in midnite..
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Jun 09
But when you find them you can accept them and then complete them later right? So you can accept them then sleep and then do them when you get up.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
15 May 09
I do not taks in Mylot, I prefer to discuss, so I added knowledge. things that previously I did not know so I understand now. Mylot is very interesting. there is a bonus that can be in addition to knowledge that is Mylot earnings. I do not think of too. I am pleased with the knowledge that can be Mylot.
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
15 May 09
there is always a first time of anything. i like posting an exciting topic and discuss it either. and yesterday it was my first task, i enjoy the dificulty and when i completed it, it just feel great. if our task accepted by jobs poster, our earnings increase too..
@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
15 May 09
Congratulations to you. I had also done some tasks yesterday, and both are approved today. In addition, my writing task which I had done 1 week ago, was also approved 2 days ago. I'm really feeling very happy too that 3 of the 4 tasks I had done had been approved this week. Well, I will say that you learn a different type of skill with doing the different tasks available, as opposed to posting and responding on discussions. However, I will say that I enjoy doing both on myLot. It's really fun and interesting here, while been able to learn a lot of new things. Happy mylotting...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
Congratulations hope will be like you too. I will try visiting my task now.
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@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
15 May 09
Good for you that all of the task you submitted got approved. I find it hard to find available tasks in here. There is just not many available this month. I just hope that they could supply the same amount same as last two months ago.
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
8 Jun 09
Greetings on completing the tasks . Hopefully;you shall have a great time ahead also .
@daliaj (5674)
• India
8 Jun 09
Oh.. that is great. Congrats! I have accepted two tasks, but I couldn't complete. I have completed one, but it was rejected because the content was too similar to teh source content. I will try to do more tasks. I share you happiness. Anyway, congrats from my heart my friend.
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
8 Jun 09
Hehehe, thank you daliaj yes, Its another best thing about myLot. then, Other myLotters should not complain about the earn whether myLot give us the way to earn more. Have a nice days, daliaj..
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
15 May 09
I am MUCH happier with the new tasks. When the tasks first started, I completed two and only one of those two was accepted. I wasn't a big fan of tasks then. But yesterday when they re-did the task section and added a bunch of new ones, I decided to complete two. I couldn't believe it when I logged on today and found out that they were accepted already and I earned money for both of them!! I went back to do more tasks tonight, but I don't currently have any available. Oh well - I will be keeping my eye out though. They're a great way to earn some extra money and get you closer to payout each month!!!
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
15 May 09
just keep in eyes to find new tasks, jennlk84... beside this bonuses, i am in personal have more knowledge in positive ways. happy myloting...:-)
@arkasen (748)
• India
15 May 09
Congratulation on your earnings. Even I am doing tasks for last 2 weeks and all together I have done some 27 tasks and 15 of them has already accepted. I am also very happy with my earnings. When my tasks gets accepted and my earnings jumps then its gives a great satisfaction. I like mylot very much and love to be here. I enjoy every bit of it not only the tasks. I also take part in discussions and reply to them regularly and its a great fun.