i am not a plagiat, or trying it...what should i do ??

@anangf (1146)
May 14, 2009 9:57pm CST
i have been posted about ten or lest to start new topic discussion right now.. every time i begin typing i feel afraid that what i am posting is already posted by other myLotter...what should i done? must i read all post to start a new discussion on myLost?? please give me advice and share a comment..enlightenment for me.
1 response
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
15 May 09
Hello, anangf! Well, before you start a discussion, you must search for it. If there are discussions that are already posted with almost the same content with what you want to post, better not post it, it is a violation. Or if you had posted already and you found out that the same topic already exists, you may report it and it will be automatically deleted. If you had posted a discussion then at the same time, another had posted the same topic, there is nothing to blame with, it's nobody's fault. Happy mylotting and have a nice day!
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
15 May 09
okay boogerman surely i will do it. nice advice from you. by the way how about this discussion? have any mylotter asked about this? i'm surely did not know if some one else has. this is my deeply question. i'm confused. ps: how to search in simple way??
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
15 May 09
You can use the search bar on the top to find discussions that you want to search. The tags are used to help members to find discussions about a particular topic.