Its Hard trying to find a Job In This Time Of Life.

@payout (3794)
United States
May 17, 2009 4:34pm CST
I'm probably not the only person thinking this but.. I'm Currently unemployed and searching for a job. To make money so I can Help my Boyfriend with the Apartment. He has everything good paying for everything with no problem but, A little help won't hurt either. My sister doesn't have a job anymore Friday was her last day. I guess they didn't need that many workers couldn't pay them all. Life seems so hard... especially when it comes to finding a job. [b]Does anyone have tips on how to find a Job? What Should I do?[/b]
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3 responses
• United States
17 May 09
Well there is this one website called you should try that and see what happens
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@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
17 May 09
I agree with you - employment is highly competitive right now. Take heed of the previous advice - keep your chin up and keep looking. It's hard to be motivated when you see zero results, but at this point - only YOU can motivate you to do what you need to do in order to find that job. Here's another piece of advice - take an inventory of yourself - your accomplishments from your previous jobs, your strength, etc. It's time to update your resume - and make it sharp, clean, and free from grammar errors. Additionally - NETWORK: let EVERYONE IN YOUR LIFE and their friend's friend's friend's KNOW that you NEED a job. Not only you have multiple eyes helping you look for employment - I can almost guarantee that they know someone somewhere who can employ you. Good luck with the search!
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@angelsmummy (1696)
17 May 09
never give up is my only piece of advice, somebody will require the service you give, it may take a day it may take several months, just keep trying keep your chin up. Starting this week try to apply for 1 job a day for 2 weeks then up it to 2 jobs a day for 2 weeks and at the end of every 2 weeks up the job applications to 1 extra per week. Also at the end of every 2 weeks evaluate what you have acheived, if anyhting, i know it sounds alot but you need to work hard to get the job you want. and take any job offered, its easier to find a job when you have a job.!! good luck let me know how it goes if you are going to take my advice that is lol =D
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