Aside from the money earnings sites, what else you can do to make extra bucks?

May 19, 2009 10:13pm CST
I been thinking about other opportunities that will help me earn extra bucks. Maybe anybody here can give me idea. Aside form this ptc, blog, writing, survey form, what else you can suggest that will help me earn more aside from what were doing here in mylot.
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2 responses
@sutsag (86)
• Philippines
20 May 09
Another way of earning serious money online is having your own home base business, that do don't have to live home to your job. You are working for yourself not by yourself, If you want to know about home base business and try it for free you could go to my profile and visit my website,. Good luck and happy myLotting,.
• Philippines
21 May 09
I already visit your profile. ITS GDI, how does it work? IS it legit?
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
20 May 09
Well, some easier ways to make money if you're in good health and really need cash that anyone can do is to sell your plasma. It's similar to donating blood, but takes longer and is a bit of a different experience. You can earn various amounts of money in different areas depending on the going rate in the area and you can usually donate twice each week. Read up about selling your blood plasma if interested and seriously in need of quick money. Also, getting any second job would help. Even if you have only 2-3 extra nights per week, consider cashiering or waiting tables. You can make decent money waiting tables. I used to average about $15-20 an hour and even more than that when I tended bar. Hopefully these suggestions help. I am sure you could be creative and offer other services to people such as pet walking or pet sitting, or cleaning their house, mowing their lawn, etc for a few extra bucks also... Another idea is if you have your own garden, you can set up your own produce stand on the weekends and not only save money on your own groceries but also provide fresh and reasonably priced fruits and veggies to others while making extra cash. Best wishes!
• Philippines
21 May 09
here in my country (philippines) if you donate blood, you will do it for free or even plasma. Getting a part time job is also not easy. I just that i am in different country, as long as you hard working there will be no problem with jobs or earning extra money....