How do you combat fatigue???

May 21, 2009 6:48pm CST
guys,i have been feeling very tired and worn out quite recently. i feel realy tired almost every time. i sleep long hours and when i wake up, i am still tired. I dont like this and i need to combat it. please advise me?? and i want to try to exercise, but i am too tired anyway. It might be lack of nutrients maybe, but whatever you guys know i would appreciate it. Thanks
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2 responses
• Philippines
22 May 09
I have a friend who feels the same way whenever she wakes up. She also says she feels so tired even if she just woke up. Her husband also noticed that she snored quite loudly. They went to a doctor and she underwent some sleep tests. She was diagnosed to have obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The doctors said that she has repetitive episodes of upper airway obstruction that causes her to stop breathing while she is asleep. When she stops breathing there is a drop of oxygen saturation in her blood. This causes her deep sleep to be disrupted hence she wakes up feeling unrefreshed. You can find out more regarding this condition at the site linked below: I hope you see a doctor soon and have your condition diagnosed properly. Good day!
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• United States
21 May 09
You actually might be sleeping too much. It has been proven that people who get more than the recommended amount of sleep tend to feel tired still after waking up. I know that is how I can be. Of course after 8 hours I'm still tired when I wake up but once I start moving around I'm awake, whereas if I sleep the day away I'm just going to feel like napping all the time. You need to be active - that is the key so maybe not exercise but go take a walk or go do something productive to get your mind going and have breakfast because you need food in your to fuel your body - that is where your energy comes from. And I'm sure nutrition plays a part of the process as well, so either eat a better diet or go pick up some vitamins. And remember that problems normally don't have just one solution, there is normally multiple things you have to do in order for you to really see results.
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