does he really love me ?

May 22, 2009 5:33am CST
the boy told me that how much he loves me ,but he doesnt sand messages for me all the day ,if the weather is raining ,he wont come to meet me ,i think he really doesn't love me . in my mind ,if a boy falls in love with a girl,he will missing her so much ,and try his best to stay with her ,but he doesn't . is my view is wrong or he really doesn't love me ?
1 response
• Malaysia
22 May 09
yea,im argee that all u write..but how long your relationship?or just started?maybe you must use more times to attention how he treat you 1st!sometimes he maybe buzy for work,sometimes maybe he have anyproblem..?anyway just wish you will get happiness..:D
1 person likes this
• China
22 May 09
thanx ,you look like a chinese girl ,we just begin ,but i haven't accept his love.i am confused,everyday we just meet 1-2hours ,he doesn't sand me messages or talk with me by phone ,i dont know what should i do .