Would someone know if he or she has a gift of celibacy?

Willows - Willows are beautiful and cheerful yet sometimes they live alone among the grasses.

When I do my photography, they often take my attention.
May 22, 2009 12:27pm CST
I am in my late 20's and still single. I have watched my friends slowly taking another course of life. I have ushered them to the altar one by one as they got married. When I first got a bridal bouquet in a wedding, an old woman told me a joke, or was it a joke? She told me that I should never catch bouquets from brides because it will keep me from getting married. Now, I couldn't count the times I have caught bouquets in my friends' weddings. Well, I really don't believe in superstitions and I am not unhappy for being single. I am just a little bit surprised though because when I was younger say in my early and mid 20's, I have been spending time looking for a boyfriend as I thought it would make me happy. Five years after the crucial stage, I am happy and contented being single. Somebody asked me if I have a gift of celibacy and really couldn't answer her. I have known people in their 50's who are still single but say they don't have the gift but are happy with their life. Would someone really know if he or she has a gift of celibacy?
2 responses
• Saint Lucia
22 May 09
Well i dont think its a gift.Its something you choose to do.There are people who stay celibate for religious reasons,after being hurt and lose their trust to love again.you are still young and there is no telling what the future will bring for you.I think you are just at that stage where you havent met anyone special.
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• Philippines
24 May 09
Hi there! Thanks for the reply. Yeah some friends told me am still young. However, as what i have shared with the other commenter, I guess my parents' separation has a big reason why I don't wanna marry. One thing is that I always feel trapped whenever I think of it. It feels like am loosing my freedom - do you think it's a normal feeling? For 2 years now I always have a dream... of running away during my wedding day - kinda weird, you know.
• China
22 May 09
i dont know if someone really has a gift of celibacy. but im now found that i dont need to have someone companied me to make me happy. i think if i have enough money i can make myselt happy. being influcenced by my sister's sad marriage, ive been afraid with married, i reject it from the bottom of my heart
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• Philippines
24 May 09
=). I guess money buys us stuff we need to feel happy and satisfied, eh. My parents' marriage ended after I graduated from college. I guess that is one main reason why I am not attracted to marriage anymore. I mean of course maturing and seeing things in a different perspective give options to how we consider things. Just a question for you -- do you sometimes feel that getting married will take your freedom from you? Coz am beginning to feel that way too.