How did Labron James Win Game 2 aganist Orlando?

United States
May 22, 2009 10:46pm CST
How did Labron James Win Game 2 aganist Orlando? That 1 second seems really long, but I guess he is that good. He made an incredible shot with one second left to win the game.
7 responses
• United States
27 May 09
Become he is simply amazing. We are all witnesses. And he is still really young. I can't wait to see him grow as a player.
@cagefan (82)
• Philippines
27 May 09
It was both a great and lucky shot,based on the slow-mo replay,the shot was within the one second time. Although Lebron is a great player,he still lacks one thing, a supporting cast that complement his playing abilities and talents.
• China
23 May 09
i could not agree with you more.i am sure James will meet Kobe at the NBA final game.i simply believe that Cliveland is able to defeat Orlando,the only reason is that no one could defend him right now among the four teams which still exist in the NBA playgroud,and Cliveland will become the championand James must be the MVP.
• Philippines
23 May 09
It was just amazing. Just as I expected.
• United States
26 May 09
we are all witnesses
• United States
23 May 09
I thought it was lucky and its getting too much attention. This morning, I heard people calling it, "The Shot". Don't get me wrong, Lebron is ungodly good, but he gets too much hype.
• Philippines
23 May 09
Lebron James is simply the best. Nobody from orlando magic can defend him . I cant wait for Lebron and Bryant to meet at the finals.