Noisy neighbors

May 24, 2009 12:29am CST
My neighbors are always noisy every night. I highly distrubed. Each night always turn on the music with noise. So I can not sleep. Its make me oversleep to wake up to go work. Sure I always get angry my superiors in the office because I came late. I may be moving to live at my aunt's home that is not far from my home. I hope my neighbors will understand and not make a noice again. Are you have a solution. What should I do.
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14 responses
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
well you can always talk to them in a subtle and peaceful way. you have the edge to fight for it since it's already a public disturbance.if they won't conform to your first warning,report them to the proper authorities. it's really disgusting when you have neighbors like that.they should leave in the woods so that they can shout out their lungs.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
My neighbors are noisy and nosy, too. But I have to live with them. It is all a matter of shutting down what you don't want to hear. I had eliminated the distraction of the noise simply by ignoring them. As if it doesn't exist. Try it. I hope it would work for you, too.
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
30 Sep 09
Poor you. I feel sorry you have such awful neighbours. How is your relationship with them ? I feel you should go and tell them politely that people have to sleep at night and go to work the next day. If they understand well and good, if not, call the cops and put an end to this. You can always say you warned them politely. Racket in the night is most awful as you are tired and want to rest. Do not shift to your aunts home. Put your foot down and see your peace is respected.
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
30 Sep 09
Hey, Yea that is almost the same as us. We have neighbors on either side of our house that both plays music really loud every single night. If one neighbor isn't, then the other one is, and it is very annoying. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
I encounter the same things when I visit my brother and have vacation for almost 2 weeks. He have a noisy neighbors and everyday nights they always sing with videoke and their are lot of guy who drink, laugh and talk loudly. I too get annoy as if they have no concern if their neighbors get disturb. Especially my brother who work as a call center during the night he could not sleep well it is really annoying. I really hate neighbors who are noisy hence I develop dislike in them and do not like to befriend them. They look like having a party every nights as in they make their house like a pub bar. I think you should talk to your noisy neighbors in a nice way and explain your side that you could not sleep. In our cases my brother decides to transfer in another apartment as we could not take anymore the noise. Even their neighbors are very upset with their noise and their are kids who cry on the middle of the night. The noisy neighbor acts like they own the places. Hopefully, we transfer in a more quiet neighborhood where their are less noise and the neighbors are more decent.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
first theres the diplomatic way of solving your problem. try to talk to them. explain your reasons. then theres the reverse psychology thing, make noise in night that you know that they will noticed. and lastly, the legal thing, if you report it to the homeowners association, they would react and talk to your neighbors.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
24 May 09
My suggestion would be to confront your neighbor and ask them to turn it down. If they are decent human beings, they will hav no problem with that at all. If that doesn't work, then call the police to ask them to go ask your neighbor to turn it down. I know that most places have laws about blaring music late at night.
@jeiay41 (674)
• United States
24 May 09
What country are you from cause in my country we talk to the neighbor straight forward to tell them they're noise or if they not response, we call cops to interupt them on making noise. Better ask them nicely so everybody happy.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
24 May 09
I think the best solution is you better go and discuss with your neigbor first. If your neigbor start to lower down their music, then you can still remain staying in your own house. Living in own house is always the most comfort way. But, if the first idea still can't solve your problem, then moving to your aunt's house is the good option. You must try your best never to come to work late. Better solve this problem soon. Good luck..
• United States
25 May 09
Have you tried talking to them? If you leave in an apartment you need to complain to the super. if this does not resolve the problem then call the police. There is a thing called disturbing the peace. I know in Georgia the have an ordance for noise and after a certain time there is not suppose to be any noise unless you're at a club or bar. I would talk to them, because you dont want to lose your job because you're not able to get rest at home because of disrespecting stubborn neighbors. Good luck on this one.
• United States
25 May 09
I agree with the others. Like where I live, it's a small sorta neighborhood. And if (for example) last night the ppl across the street from me had some really loud music, and shouting and stuff outside, during the "early" night it didn't bother my but when it was time for my kids to go to sleep and my hubby who has to get up at 4am couldn't sleep b/c of this noise and such. I walked over and asked them to keep it down a bit that it was too late for such noise, and just explained to them that I could hear it from inside my home across the street. Well, they quiet down for a bit then about 3am they got really loud again, so I just picked up the phone and called the local police and let them handle it. They went over and gave them a warning to be nice... and after that we didn't hear a peep. Some places (like here) have a noise law. If a radio or car etc.. is too loud, they can (and most cases are) given a ticket with up to a $500 fine!So yeah, definally talk to your neighbor and if it doesn't help, just call the local police and let them take care of it. I'm sure it'll help, and if they get loud again, just pick up the phone and report another complaint !!! Good luck with this!
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
24 May 09
like all the others before me said... talk to your neighbors and tell them that you are bothered by their loud noise. here in our place we do that, if our neighbors are noisy like that, we go to their place and tell them that they are disturbing us, we need to sleep, especially if kids have school the next day. if they dont listen we report them to the barangay officials the next day, and if they are still doing it, we call the cops. but most of the time, talking to them is enough to keep their noise down... maybe they think that its ok for their neighbors to be that loud because no one complained to them... so i say, go talk to them.
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
25 May 09
you do not have to put up with that nonsense. i had the same problem and gave the offender 3 chances to redeem himself then i threatened to call the cops. that seemed to work.
• Malaysia
24 May 09
Have u ever go and try to talk to ur neighbour about this matter? I think u should,may be ur neighbours just don't realize that they making noises that disturbing u.. (^__^)