can you help me sleep?

United States
May 24, 2009 3:44am CST
i just moved from the philippines to the united states to work as a nurse. i decided to work on a night shift since i really am adjusting with the time. philippines and united states have 12 hours difference as to time that is why my system is still kinda used getting awake during the night and asleep during the day. but then my problem is, for the past few days, i can't get much sleep during the day. my friends advise me to take some melatonin which they have been using. but then, i would like to take some natural methods because i am afraid of the possible untoward effects that this drug might cause. hope you can help me on this. thanks so much! GOD bless!
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15 responses
@cmy1004f (381)
• China
24 May 09
I think I just can advice you try the best to relax aftr work, such as listen to the classical music, to maintain a balanced diet, etc., and at this mention I think you'd better turn to work in day-shift, if no, maybe you can drink a galss of warm milk and then go to be with a goggles. Don't asleep by sleeping pills, medical always harm to body. Or you can get more professional advice by see a specialized doctor. At last wish you can take a good sleep as soon as possible.
2 people like this
• United States
24 May 09
your advice sounds good to me. thanks a lot!
@cmy1004f (381)
• China
30 May 09
Dear friend, there are some details about improve the quality of sleep from magazine, I try my best translate it to English and paste here, hope it can help you: Detail One, there are 6 things should do before go to bed. First is clean your teeth, face and body, the cleaning feeling can let your sleeping get comfortable and relax. Second, get rid of brain fatigue by comb your hair. Third, take a walk of 10 to 20 minutes is good for sleep, remember don't read books or newspaper, don't think about anything after lie down, reduce brain's activity can let you easy to sleep. Fourth, let bedroom's air keep fresh, in windy or cold time can open the window until go to bed. Fifth, if you can wash feet with warm water and massage everyday before sleep, you can get a good effect. Sixth, the last thing is drink a glass of milk with honey. If you get interest in this, please tell me and I will paste other details to you later.
• India
24 May 09
NO worry.It is very easy to a lots of food with curd It will really helpful to sleep in natural way...Here in india we use to eat curd by mixing it with water like a butter milk...It is very helpful in natural sleeping...It makes u lazy and u get sleep very easily
2 people like this
• United States
24 May 09
well, i will try what you advised me. i also have some friends from india who i see frequently. i will probably ask how you guys prepare that. thanks so much and GOD bless!
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
25 May 09
Hi dear first, wish u all the best for New Life ahead of U and hope you would be suceesful and will be supporting your family back in philipines. As far as your problem is concern, sure your body clock is adjusted to ur time of philipines, normally it took 5-6 days to adjust it, and the best way to do it to dont sleep at days, and try to saleep in night, and by this ur body clock will be adjusted soon Wish u all the Best. Regards Zass
• India
25 May 09
first time you have to face such a type of problem.But after some period it will become your habit than you cant deny it.I can suggest you for sleeping in the day a dream room which you can easily.just shut down the windows and sleep happily.Thanks
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
24 May 09
Hi, wendhieRN! Well, I also got a problem on that but I found a way to solve it. I tried to make myself tired in order to sleep. I do some exercise and play some games until I got tired. When I was tired, it's time to sleep. It feels better to sleep when tired. You should try it too, find a way that will make you feel tired. I hope this helps, happy mylotting and have a nice day!
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• United States
24 May 09
well, i suppose that i am doing some exercises at work. i walked from home to my workplace. i don't drive, i don't take a ride. probably, i will consult a doctor like most of you advised me. thanks so much boogerman!
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@kryzell (921)
• Philippines
25 May 09
Oh wow! I am also a nurse... I passed all the exams for the US, but due to the Visa application status in the US, I decided to apply as a nurse in Canada instead. You should try drinking warm milk, I've read it helps a lot. You maybe stressed and just adjusting to the new enviroment, so relax a bit, it'll help you sleep. Really hope this of luck
@rubypatson (1840)
• India
25 May 09
Sleep is very important my mother says she cant sleep, i would advise you not to take medicines for that, just try to keep your mind very blank just say a prayer, then think of something nice or just keep your mind blank you will be off to sleep within no time dont worry about it, sleep is natural it got to come
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
25 May 09
Try some camomille tea or warm milk. Also if you are trying to sleep during the day make your room as dark as possible. That will help you fall asleep. Exercising actually wakes me up so I don't know if exercising will help you actually fall asleep. But good luck and try the tea. My mom use to give that to me when I had trouble falling asleep.
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
24 May 09
oh, it is good for you to united state. you will very happy in there. and can make many money in there. how you to come there? is pay you a lot of money? i want to us too. but i don't know how to go there?
• India
24 May 09
It's so easy. Just put ur pillow on floor. Lie down, and watch some movie that u hav watched plenty of times. U'll go to sleep! It works. Just try it!
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
25 May 09
melatonin is natural. But, if you don't wish to ingest anything to get to sleep one of the old Air Force tricks we night shift workers used was to 'board' up our bedroom windows. You can use anything really to keep the natural light from shining into your room during the day. I used a dark sheet. Just used thumbtacks to pin it up over the window. Some of us taped signs to our doors to let people know not to knock, but I don't know what part of the US you now live in, it might be dangerous in your local, so maybe you shouldn't do that one.
• Philippines
24 May 09
usually what i do is i take a shower then drink a glass of milk. After that i pray, i talked to him like a friend. Then if im still not sleepy, i read or watched tv or dvd, anything that will my mind and eyes tired. And also dont drink coffee or soda because this make you awake. Anyways, your lucky because you have the opportunity to work abroad and earn more money. I hope i will have my chance.
• United States
24 May 09
It is my understanding that Melatonin is all natural. Our brain produces it when we enter sleep, so the supplement just assists in getting you to the point where your brain produces it. I often recommend that or SleepMD as it also contains Melatonin. For additional information, you may be able to find out about it on Women's Health's website. I have read about it often in the Women's Health magazine. good luck!
• United States
25 May 09
dont use pills, just wake up very early one time and dont go back to sleep til the time you want.
@zouna5 (564)
• Greece
24 May 09
I would suggest not using pills or visit a doctor(he will give you pills too!!).After a while you will be addicted to them and there would be no possibility to sleep without them.My advice to you is to relax,do not think bad or stressing things when you are in bed.Something is bothering you and is obvious,so try to find what this is or if you already know try solving it.This will calm your inside world and will sleep without problems!Many times the solution to our problems is inside us!!I hope to you nice sleeeep my WendhieRN!! I have not been in such situation,except when something inside me is bothering me.Then i take a hot bath,drink a glass of milk,i think what really annoys me and try to find what should i do.Until i find the solution,i am already sleeping!! If this does not catch then i count sheeps!!!One sheep,two sheeps,three sheeps... Always here to help!!!