How well do you know your neighbor? Do you like them or you stay away from them?

@guia10 (139)
May 26, 2009 2:32am CST
As a child, I was used to constant moving from place to place. My parents had their reasons but I hated the fact that I can't establish a fixed group of friends. Once I've gained new friends from our neighbors, I had to start all over again when we move. It was difficult for me, especially through my teen years. Ever since I got married, I managed to stay put in one place for almost 12 years now. At first, it was fun, getting to know everyone, especially my hubby's friends but as time goes by, I realized that you can't please everyone. There are those who would talk about you behind your back. There are those who abuse your kindness by borrowing your things or even money and not bothering to return it. There are also those who would bluntly criticize your cooking, your short, It's as if people are waiting for you to make one mistake and there goes the talk of the town. Since we move from place to place when I was a child, I started to prefer being alone most of the time. I limited my friends to a few good and lasting ones. Now that I'm married and my husband works overseas, I got used to being only with my daughter. That's also one reason why I love my job as a writer and editor, I get to stay home. As for my neighbors, I try to be nice to them and greet them whenever I pass by but that's up to how close I can get. I also try to help as much as I can like one time, one of my neighbor's had a heart attack, was the one who drove him to the nearest hospital. Good thing I heard his wife yelling for help in the middle of the day. Other than that, I prefer to stay home and mind my own business. How about you? :D
4 responses
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
26 May 09
I don't speak with any of my neighbors and prefer it that way. I don't care if people think I'm a recluse. When people talk with me I kind of lose interest and want to walk away. Sometimes I fantasize about other things while they pour their heart out. This is incredibly rude but I don't mean to be. Being social is just not me. I rely on nodding and making facial features. haha
@guia10 (139)
• Philippines
26 May 09
hehe...It's really amazing that you can do that. When someone says hi to me or asks how I am, even if I don't like the person - I still smile and politely answer. I guess, I can call myself a hypocrite for being like that but it's really hard, especially if it's the elderly talking to me. However, I also don't like talking on the street so I would politely tell them that I am busy and running late so we'll just chat some other time. :D
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
26 May 09
Hello! So far I know my neighbors are not good people.They poke their nose in to others affairs and create problems.They are quite selfish.However we have maintained good relationship so far.thanx.
@divkris (1156)
• India
26 May 09
i do know my neighbours or take the effert to have a breif introduction with them. But i do maintain my limits as i dont really socialize with them. I just introduced simply to get to know about my neighbours.
@manish92 (24)
• India
26 May 09
I know my neighbor very well. He is a hoot for sure.. all day lurking the holes and sulking in darkness. I just run away with any excuse that I have class to deal with and many other stuffs..