What's more important to you: lyrics or acoustics?

@diamania (7011)
May 31, 2009 10:44am CST
Some people would say acoustics as catchy acoustics make a song memorable and therefore popular but others would say lyrics because listening to nonsense isn't worth their time. What do you find more important: lyrics or acoustics. Why?
5 responses
• Malaysia
31 May 09
I like both, but I like lyrics the most. It what makes the songs memorable. If it just nonsense lyrics then it can be forgotten. Combining both can be a hit and even listed as evergreen. lol. Lyrics helps you to enjoy the song. It is sort of emotion of the song. Without it, the song is empty, unless the acoustics is so amazingly wonderful.
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
1 Jun 09
I think you need both indeed because listening to fantastic poetic lyrics under a squeaky array of acoustics doesn't invite me to continue listening to the music. Some artists however seem to forget that.
@thebri (38)
• Philippines
31 May 09
acoustics is the first thing i would hear when i listen to music..so my first impression would depend on the acoustics..but lyrics are also important to me coz it tells me the message of the song.
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
12 Jun 09
I believe the message of a song is important too but good lyrics under annoying acoustics won't touch me.
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
I guess my initial expectation would be the acoustics.. but if the lyrics has no sense no matter how great the composition is I'd not go for it. I guess both are important to make a great music :)
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@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
1 Jun 09
i like songs with lyrics. i seldom listen or download songs without it. it makes me wonder and can interpret the music easily if it has lyric. I've listened to some acoustic but never had one in my mp4.
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@cconrad (30)
• United States
10 Jun 09
The music is important to me. I listen to plenty of vocal driven songs, but I also love instrumental and foreign music so the lyrics don't matter to me as much as the music itself. It drives my emotions more than words. I really don't know why. :-)
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