poison ivy-oak

United States
June 5, 2009 2:17pm CST
hello to everyone i've been absent a few days had yard work to do, while doing yard work i now have poison ivy-oak, my question is does anyone have any ideas that will help relieve the itching and burning, anything besides caladryl lotion. i have it on my legs as well as from my wrist to just passed my elbow on both arms.
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4 responses
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
5 Jun 09
Try your best not to scratch. The best thing for it is cholorine, so if you can get in a pool do so. Also there is Benedryl, both a spray and the pill form will help as well. If it gets real bad you can get a cortisone shot.
• United States
5 Jun 09
thank you for telling me that i don't ever remember having it before now. don't want it again.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
5 Jun 09
You are welcome, It is horrid. I get it all the time, I in fact have it now. on my hands. I have to get the shot two or three times a year. I am highly allergic.
@doggyhouz (548)
• United States
5 Jun 09
oatmeal. and tomato paste in a tub.
• United States
5 Jun 09
hows that work exactly, sounds a little messy to me. care to explain a little further for me. thank you
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Some people use oatmeal. It helps dry it up. You take a half a cup of oats and put in a cloth or sock and seep it in some water tell it is gooey and rub it over the poison Ivy it helps with itching also.
• United States
5 Jun 09
T hat is the most awful stuff!!! I had a really bad case of it a few years back. Had to finally see the dr. twice & she gave me some kind of shot both times that finally dried it up. Cost me over a $100 to get rid of it. The lotion didn't help abit. I was in misery. SO sorry u have it. Hope u feel better soon.