That was way too spicy!

@diamania (7011)
June 6, 2009 7:39am CST
I just ate my first bowl of instant noodles after a long time and I think it will take another year or something before I'll eat noodles again. GEEEZ, that was spicy. I started craving for water immediately after, but it didn't relieve me from the pain. Then I started looking for a towel and really scraped my tongue. That didn't help much either, and now I am in huge pain... what should I do in order to relieve me from that spicy pain?
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8 responses
• India
6 Jun 09
I love instant noodles but the ones available here in India are toned down in their spice content to suit the Indian palate, so that's OK with me. I remember though we had gone on vacation to a place in the north-east of India were plenty of Chinese goods are available. There I picked up a packet of Chinese instant noodles (couldn't read the name, it was in Chinese) and back home when I cooked it, OMG was it spicy! Forget water, I started coughing as the spices got to my food pipe...I wouldn't try that again for sure.
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 09
You've learned a lesson, never eat noodles you don't know. What else besides drinking water and coughing have you tried to get relieved from the spicy pain?
• India
6 Jun 09
Putting some sugar on my tongue
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 09
Yuck :P I prefer milk over sugar on my tongue :P
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Can I ask what flavor were they? I am curious now.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
7 Jun 09
I am imagining they were spicy shrimp. I love spicy food. I am sorry tho that they were to spicy for you. Better luck next time (I sometimes wonder how the noodles in Japan or China taste like, you know the ones that vendors sell)
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 09
I am not sure but I think they came in shrimp flavour.
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
hi diamania! hey didn't you read the label? you must have taken the hot and spicy variant! well, anyway, i am not fussy with hot foods, i actually like putting chili in whatever i eat. but anyway, just to answer your question, you can try eating sugar. yup, as in raw sugar. hopefully, the sweet taste of sugar will help to stimulate the taste buds that were numbed by the hotness of what you ate. other than that, drink water. and wait for it to go away. take care and God bless you! happy mylotting! :D ps. and be careful to read the label next time! :-D
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
7 Jun 09
The label only consisted of Asian languages and the worst English I've ever seen whilst I just bought them at a well known supermarket back here. Perhaps I shouldn't buy brands I can't fully trust next time. Happy mylotting to you too.
• United States
7 Jun 09
Hello, Maybe you can try , taking a really cold glass of water and put a mouth full of water in your mouth, don't swollow the water just let it sit in your mouth for about 10 seconds, make sure you are swishing the water around in your mouth, while the water is in your mouth for the 10 seconds, then soit the water out into the sink, then see how your mouth feels, if you don't get any sign of relief repeat the same steps over again. I hope you feel better really soon. Happy My Lotting!
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
7 Jun 09
It's fine again. When I don't have milk in stock I might try your mouthwash method.
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
They said you should drink milk. ;) Because the noodles, esp. instant has oil which locks the flavor in. Water doesn't really help much. Milk may relieve your tongue. (I don't really know, I just remember reading that somewhere. please don't blame me) ;p
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 09
Ah, now I remember again it was milk that was the pain reliever. It was something with milking contain a certain ingredient locking in the capcaicine or however you write that. I am happy you came in time, I was about to try rigorous things.
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
i also experience like that when i;m in a Thai restaurant . i order a menu that its my firs time to taste i don't even know that the one i ordered is spicy. after i tasted it i tasted it it is very spicy so what did i do i drink a plenty of water.
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
7 Jun 09
I find it annoying that in restaurants they use traditional names for their menus whilst I've got no clue what they mean and a description is lacking or just not complete.
@NettyB (335)
• United States
6 Jun 09
You should try a glass of milk
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
7 Jun 09
Yup, that seems to be the best indeed as said before in this discussion. I wonder how people who are allergic to dairy solve this.
@hanah87 (1835)
• Malaysia
6 Jun 09
I like to eat spicy noodles.I always eat that with cold or ice water beside me to lelieve me from the pAain of hot spicy.But i really love eat spicy noodle and cannot live without spicy food.If i eat KFC foods,i will order the spicy first and allso with cheesy wedges.I like spicy foods!
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 09
Noodles are fantastic indeed but the ones you can buy here are either very salty or way too spicy, it's very annoying to either die from a bleeding in the brain due to the salt or having your tongue hurt for a few hours, isn't it?