Are angels living among us?

@milagre (1272)
November 12, 2006 5:59am CST
I had two weird experiences, both at the hospital when i had some big health problems. First one, i was dying, and all of the sudden a doctor came in and called the staff attention saying that i urgently needed go to surgery. As soon as he came, as fast as he desappeared. On a secound occasion, i was in a intensive care room due to surgical complications and, until today, i dont know how, there was a warming light coming from a place were there was no windows, i just could see a silluete who asked me to get up and seat in the chair next to me which i did, the weird is that i couldnt get out of the bed because i was wick, some how, i found myself seated on the chair and the shade with the light behind started brushing my hair saying i would be ok and wanted my family to see me with a good-looking face. I felt so warm and confy at that time....This "person" also disappeared just like that. I dont take drugs and never did, so, I think they were angels that were taking care of me at the time.... What do you think about the subject? have you ever had a similar experience?
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