TO THE SMOKERS OUT THERE...has anyone noticed this yet?

@Azaerus (820)
June 11, 2009 10:06am CST
To thesmokers like me...have you notice it that in every pack of cigars you buy there's something written ther which says:"Cigarrette smoking is dangerous to your health." I mean hey what's the deal,they sell cigars and they imprint that in the packs of their cigar...hehe..It doesn't help smokers quit smoking anyways... Just a thought here... What you say friends?
1 response
@Maryam27 (411)
• Pakistan
14 Jun 09
I wonder why smokers always find this so annoying...? Do they get frustrated because somehow they know they are causing harm to themselves? Oh and yeah i agree, sadly it don't cause anything other then the frustration! I just wish if a single person realized something and quit smoking for the sake of themselves and their families!