how many hours do you spend in internet?

internet  - internet surfing
@mimiang (3760)
June 13, 2009 11:37am CST
I usually can last for 8 hours straight because I open lots of websites and write blogs.I upload pictures in mylot, facebook, and
4 responses
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
I spend 6 hours but not straight... 2 hours in morning, afternoon, and evening!
@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
14 Jun 09
I connected to the internet 24 hours a day. I use wireless mobile broadband as my internet connection. But it doesn't mean i use it in a whole day. In summarize, when a holiday season, i can spend up to 7 to 8 hours in a day for my internet activities. In normal day, i can spend up to 5 to 6 hours in a day for my internet activities. I have lots of thing to do in my real world, so i don't want to wasting much time on the internet if there's nothing necessary to do online. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
@beki710 (949)
13 Jun 09
I spend about an hour or two on the net on average because I'm normally very busy with my course. If I've got time off, I can spend a lot longer online. I do a lot of things online such as sell things on ebay, write my blog and come on mylot and if I have the time I like to watch TV online.
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
I spend about 3-4 hours a day in internet, surfing the net, researching, reading fan fictions, reading manga online, watching videos, updating my friendster, earning online, checking my emails, uploading pictures and many more. I do all of those every time i log in to my internet.