Do you eat hard boiled or half-boiled eggs?

June 15, 2009 11:05pm CST
Once upon a time when I was a child eggs were eaten half boiled. Half boiled eggs are easy to digest. But somehow the advice changed from half boiled to hard boiled, i don't remember whence. Some germ ( bacteria or virus) were found inside eggs that can be killed only through exposure to high temperature for longer time. But it becomes a little bit difficult to digest the egg. Do you know the fact behind all these? Do you follow it and eat hard boiled eggs instead of half-boiled ones?
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11 responses
@kalaga (547)
• United States
17 Jun 09
Mmm...i dont eat egg at all.well not at all.i eat them sometimes like in cakes and all.but i dont cook them in the house or eat them.i thought it is the preference of the people ...but isn't half boiled is not good for health? i know it about vegetables and all.but that is the normal thing anything full before eating? if i were u i do that.
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
17 Jun 09
I like hard boil but sometimes I eat soft boiled eat. When it is fried I like the well cooked yolk. I heard that too that it is better to cook the yolk than it is half cook because of the bacteria. My cousin love eating raw eggs put in hot rice but I can't eat eggs like that.
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
17 Jun 09
I don't like hard-boiled eggs, much more half-boiled eggs. It has this taste and after-taste that sticks to your mouth. I can only eat hard-boiled eggs when they're sliced and are in a salad. But my brother - wow. I kind of admire him for being able to eat 4 hard-boiled eggs every meal, without rice or anything. He does not eat the yolk though.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
16 Jun 09
It is safer to eat hard-boiled eggs as soft-boiled eggs are really not safe to eat owing to the possibility of salmonella infection which have become rampant in the US recently. One should make sure that the egg is thoroughly cooked to avoid getting infections.
@Archie0 (5651)
16 Jun 09
Hey hi there! well i dont like half boiled or par boiled eggs what we call it.I just eat hard boiled eggs ever if i eat.i eat eggs very rarely as i dont like it much, but i do eat a lot of chicken.I dont like the smell of eggs and fish so i stay away from them but i do eat eggs sometimes.
• Philippines
16 Jun 09
I can acutally eat those two kinds but i personally prefer the half-boiled/soft boiled eggs because these kinds of eggs taste really nice and rich which i can put a little more salt to add flavor, hard boiled eggs are fine with me but unless if these kinds of eggs were turned into a nice egg salad sandwich or simmer in a meaty dish which i will eat those.
• Malaysia
17 Jun 09
Hi. I take both half boiled egg as well s hard boiled egg. However, I would prefer to have half boiled egg more than hard boiled egg, especially as breakfast together with toast bread and a cup of coffee.
@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
16 Jun 09
I like both both and I still having half boiled eggs for breakfast twice a week in th morning with bread and coffee. I think its true about what you said but I couldn't be border about that.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
16 Jun 09
I am not very fond of eggs. I eat eggs mostly as scrambled egg or as omlet or sunny side up. When my mom makes boiled egss, she always give the kids an option to choose hard boiled or half boild. I always go for half boiled egg. I like it with black pepper powder and salt on it.
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
16 Jun 09
Hello akumei1269 , I will eat only hard boiled eggs. I do not like eggs with a runny center. It makes me ill.I used to eat soft eggs but I had a bad experience one time and I haven't had a soft egg since.
@iamsolucky (1241)
• Philippines
16 Jun 09
i like it soft boiled, i mixed it with rice. its good for me during breakfast meal. But i control eating eggs now, sometimes when i eat too much, my skin gets itchy. This is only advisable twice a week for me. Same with chicken. Yummy. Happy mylotting and smile always!
@Preciousgem (1182)
• Philippines
16 Jun 09
I like to eat hard boiled egg, with salt and ketchup, i just eat it and eat with rice, because it is much tastier than half boil egg.