I just recieved a call from my cousion, one whom I am very close with

@meandmy3 (2227)
United States
June 19, 2009 8:57pm CST
She is going through a hard time right now and she asked that If I minded if her daughter, whom is 17 years old, comes and stays with us for a few weeks. She is a great girl so I know she will not be a problem. Her parents are going through a really tough time right now, almost divorced, they are trying to work things out. They are doing extensive counseling and their counselor said it would benefit them if they could be child free for a few weeks, so they can work on their marriage. Everyone is taking different children (she has five) she asked that I take the one that could be of the most help to me (she can help with the triplets) I did not bat an eye and said yes, but of course I would have to talk to my husband. I talked to him and he was NEGATIVE about it, he is so freaking selfish sometimes, this is family they have a need, and by helping them in the end they will be helping us, she can help with the kids. he finally agreed but I have a feeling he is none to happy about it. I guess we shall see.
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8 responses
@roseyroser (1059)
• United States
20 Jun 09
I think that would be great if you took in the 17 year old. I think it's smart for your cousin to send her children away from any negativity that might be in the household from the marital problems. If there is fighting going on, I don't think it's healthy for kids to grow up around that. It sounds like if your cousin and the husband has some alone time they could work things out easier without children to worry about. If you took in the 17 year old, you'd be getting extra help around the house. I'd say that's a huge plus! You mentioned you had triplets......seriously, who WOULDN'T want the extra help? I hope your husband can come around soon and see the positive side of why you should help them out.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Thank you.. we have been talking he came around but is trying to say let her stay a week etc. She is staying three weeks.. he will get over it.. what he does not get is she will be a huge help with the kids, will take stress off of me and make life easier around here.
• United States
20 Jun 09
Hopefully, that once she relieves the stress off of you and your husband, all the help will convince your husband that letting the teen stay there is just fine!
• United States
22 Jun 09
Wow! It seems like he wouldn't mind an extra hand with the kids. Is he worried about the extra mouth to feed? It seems like a good way to help your cousin out and it would be good for your family. Good luck.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
22 Jun 09
He has seen the light. He got to thinking how much help it would be for me, as they have dentist appointments coming up as well as JM has an all day appointment at the specialist soon.
• Philippines
20 Jun 09
Good day.. I think you should give your husband the benefit of the doubt. I mean if for the first time he'd said no it doesn't necessarily means it will be negative for the second time. He may have his reasons for saying no but he eventually said yes right? Maybe in the end things would be good or even better for your family and I think it should start by trusting your husband.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I have been married to this man for many years, he is being selfish, he is always like this, it is in fact one of our biggest arguments.
@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
21 Jun 09
Sometimes it would really take much effort to explain things to a husband, its something to be frown from coz I always hope a husband doesn't need that much to agree into something specially on cases like these. We also have some bad times and it annoys me whenever I have to go in detail on every decision so he'll understand, lol. Taking care of the child is a good choice for you and your cousin. It will really help and I pray that things will work out for all you very soon. I'm sure your cousin can still make it work.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
21 Jun 09
He came around to it and with my help come to the conclusion that he was in fact being very selfish..
• United States
21 Jun 09
If your cousin is having that hard of a time, then you should definetley help out. But be catious. My 17 year old nephew is living with me because he has been getting into trouble where he lives and he doesn't exactly get along with my daughters. He says things that offends them and is very rude. He can be helpful and not always rude but maybe youll have better luck since your dealing with a girl. Dont forget its another person you'll be responsible for so be sure your totaly up for it. As for your husband, all men can be selfish but if she really does help out with the kids and he gets used to having a bit more free time. You'll get your revenge by seeing the look on his face when he has to take care of them again.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
21 Jun 09
She is not quite 17 years old and she is a great young lady, very active in her church, she travels to sing at different churches etc. She is a great young lady. Does not have a boy friend, and is not allowed to have a cell phone either. Her parents are very strict.. I have children but they are 5 years old.
• United States
20 Jun 09
I think that maybe if you tried to explain to him the situation, like for example try to talk about it in a manner if you two were having problems. Maybe if he thought about it in a way that you guys needed some alone time. Family is number one and nothing can change that. Im not talking bad about him but it does seem kinda selfish. I think if the roles were reversed he would want your faily to help you in this situation. Anyways i hope everything works out, with your family and with you.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
21 Jun 09
He is coming around, still trying to put "rules" and "conditions" to her visit. He is OCD so it is hard at times
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Isn't it funny how men can sometimes have a completely different take on something? I run into this with my husband from time to time but, once the logic of the situation is explained to him, he cooperates. It may be that your husband is worried that the comfortable routine he's used to is going to be disrupted so, hopefully, he'll feel more relaxed about it once your cousin's daughter arrives and settles in.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
20 Jun 09
I wish I could be that optimistic. I know my husband, I know how he is and I know that he is going to complain the entire time, not in front of her, but to me. I am not going to not let her come because he is selfish.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
20 Jun 09
With triplets you would think your husband would be grateful for such a gift. If you think about it that is what it is. One hand washes the other. You are helping your cousin out with having her daughter with you and she can help out with the children. People with one child need help let alone 3 children. I hope your husband feels better about it all once she arrives and he sees what a help she is.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
21 Jun 09
He has come around to the idea. My cousin is a very sweet girl.