Do you like unhealthy drinks?

June 20, 2009 4:18pm CST
Hi, i just came up with this thought of asking about unhealthy drinks like coca cola, pepsi, fanta and other unhealthy drinks, so do you drink a lot of these? When and why do you drink unhealthy drinks? Me myself i've stopped drinking them so much and only take like 1 glass in a week, i found it affecting my weight and health condition when i was drinking them a lot.
1 response
@maezee (41996)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Yes! I absolutely LOVE unhealthy drinks. It's really sad. I'm addicted to pop - especially those of the diet variety. (I LOVE diet coke, and it's definitely not good for you! especially in excess!) and I love sugary coffee drinks, too. I'm planning on quitting.. tomorrow.