why men are never depressed

United States
June 20, 2009 9:13pm CST
Men are just happier people what do you expect from such simple creatures? 1 your last name stays put 2 The garbage is all yours 3 wedding plans take care of them selves 4 chocolate is just another snack 5 you can be president 6 you can never be pregnant 7 you can wear a white t shirt to the water park 8 you can wear no shirt to a water park 9 car mechanics tell you the truth 10 The world is your urinal 11 You never have to drive to another gas station cause this one is too icky 12 You do not have to stop to think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt 13 same work more pay 14 wrinkles add charter 15 Wedding dress 5000 tux rental 100 16 People never stare at your chest when your talking to them 17 New shoes do not cut or mangle your feet 18 One mood all the time 19 phone conversations are 30 seconds flat 20 you know stuff about tanks 21 a five day vacation requires only one suit case 22 you can open all your own jars 23 you get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness 24 If some one for gets to invite you he or she can still be your friend 25 Your under wear is 8.95 for a three pack 26 Three pairs of shoes are more than enough 27 You almost never have strap problems in public 28 your unable to see wrinkles in your clothes 29 Every thing on your face stays its normal color 30 The same hair style lasts you for years maybe decades 40 you only have to shave your face and neck 50 you can play with toys all your life 51 one wallet one pair of shoes one color for all seasons 52 you can wear shorts no matter how your legs look 53 you can do your nails with a pocket knife 54 you have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache 55 you can do christmas shopping for 25 relatives on dec 24 th and 25 th 56 no wonder men are happier I listed alot but I sure you can think of more lets hear them.
9 responses
@jb78000 (15139)
21 Jun 09
men never admit to being depressed (or indeed ill in any way) but us girlies are quite happy to whinge. it's a macho thing i think
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@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
21 Jun 09
yeah it is easy to see why we are generally happy people...what is sad is that it is usually WOMEN who manage to depress us LOL
• United States
21 Jun 09
No Im certain its --money--
• United States
21 Jun 09
Men are good at hiding their emotions. They feel feelings like women do, except they hide them all the time. I cannot stand it. My boyfriend never shows emotion when I do stuff for him or anything! It drives me insane...
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I wouldn't say men are never depressed. That's a general statement and it also stereotypes them. Not sure if you know this, but women can be President. Hillary Clinton ran for President, remember? And wrinkles add "charter"? What does that even mean? And I'm sure you copied this from an e-mail because I'm pretty sure I've read it before, but because of all the grammar and spelling errors, I'm thinking you didn't just copy and paste. It still counts as plagiarism, though.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Wow, after I read your statement. I can't say those are fake. On contrary, they are all true. I couldn't think any more of them, even there are more to be listed. We definitely have more advantage over females. But at certain area, we have less advantage than you. If you are prettier, you are favored by most men, and you have many advantage if you have a pretty face.
@Revan2009 (469)
22 Jun 09
That's a very sterotpyical post imgrandma12, men can hide emotions better, therefore you never realize how depressed some men can be.
• India
21 Jun 09
depression - Depression doesnt give favors.
Well I read yours post as a peace of comedy, which got nothing to do with reality.My personal observation of life tell me that depression has its victim in both the cases, none been privileged to escape from it.
• Canada
21 Jun 09
Times are changing. Very little of this applies in my husband's and my relation. And if it is to say that men are less depressed than women, then it's perfect proof that the world needs to change more for women, because it's unfair that one gender should be so damn happy, and the other should be so freaking depressed.
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
21 Jun 09
While those may seem like compelling reasons to support the assertion that men are never depressed, I guess it would not be factually correct to generalize, especially considering that, as I trust you'll agree, there are a lot of cases proving the contrary. In short, as I'm confident you know, a sweeping statement is often inaccurate. Stay active and Happy myLotting, imgrandma12!