What do you think about the new SQUIDOO GUIDELINES? Well they are not

United States
June 21, 2009 10:41am CST
really new guidelines but it seems they are going to start enforcing the rules. There are a TON of lens with no content, just one big ad. And I hate when people leave "comments" on my lens just to promote their site. At least say something about my site or rate it before you promote your own site.
3 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I had read that and was wondering who to ask.. so Iwill ask here... the limit of 9 links to the same affiliate.... does that mean 9 links to the same affiliate in the ENTIRE lens or per post/module? I don't do that many per module, but I do post multiple modules within the same lens - about the same thing the lens is about, but different modules talk about different things about the topic of the module. For instance, I have one about decorating cupcakes. Each module is about decorating cupcakes, but I have done specific themes of decorating cupcakes.. football, holiday,etc. Usually I just link to Amazon.com in the Amazon.com sale module but in the post too about something talking about. I will also link word groups to my AC articles that are on that same topic as the word group. So... is it 9 links to the same affiliate or web page PER FULL LENS or is it 9 links to the same affiliate or web pag PER MODULE?
• United States
22 Jun 09
I am in the same boat as you. I didnt understand why others had so many lenses. I aimed for the quality and putting it all in one place too. Easier to keep up with too like you said. But I really think you answered your own question. You keep saying module but squidoo does not care about that. They used the word lens. Why dont you post your question in the forum. They are probably already talking about that email in the squidoo forum dont you think? Quite sure others have the same question. I dont have that many outgoing links so didnt study that note too hard. I have a few unfinished lens and some borderline junk lenses. On the topic of money, same boat there too!! I think squidoo needs to pay more, period. I update my lens every other week and thats almost all of them. I try hard to find new stuff to write about. Thats why I started blogging again to try and earn more. Linked my blogs to squidoo to get more traffic and hopefully more money. Good luck with your lenses.
• United States
27 Jun 09
Boy, what a lesson on this post! Squidoo is in for the money? I would have never guessed. Oh well, they do give us quality techology and other services for free. What more could you ask for? Guess I better start drumming up more amazon orders.
• United States
3 Jul 09
This post forced me to review my lenses again and to my surprise had over 15 links on my most popular lens!!! I now need to check all my lenses to make sure. Whew. I dont think squidoo cares if your links are just to blogs and not earning any money. Just leaving their site is a risk for them.
• United States
23 Jun 09
I think it is a good thing. I am glad that they are finally going to get rid of the x-rated lenses. As for people leaving links to their lenses, that has always been against their rules (as long as I have been a member). Just report them if they keep doing it. There is a spam button on the bottom of each and every lens. Take a look at this lens: http://www.squidoo.com/outboundlinklimit This is a link to all domains that are exempt from this rule. You can have as many outgoing links as you want if they are whitelisted. You can also suggest ones you would like to be whitelisted. Most of the article writing sites are on the list. My main account (trekkiemelissa), I get greenlighted so I can have more than 9 outgoing links. I have only one like that only because of what kind of lens it is. Nomally, that is not the case. Still, its a quality lens. My second account is not greenlighted only because I am not a giant squid on that account.
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Jun 09
Thanks for the link, good info indeed. There is so much to learn on squidoo and I learn a little more each month.
24 Jun 09
Useful :) Thank you
24 Jun 09
You can set the comments to go through your approval before they go live: this way you can delete comments where people only promote their own sites and even ban their authors.
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Jun 09
I had it set up this way before but it got too cumbersome with all the emails especially with spammers. Might consider going back to this method though.