Do you accept your mistake easily????

Mistakes - Learn from your mistakes, it will take you a long way in life.......
June 24, 2009 11:12am CST
Well sometimes it does happen that, you don't really know what has happened and then you try to put the blame on the other person........but then you realize that the fault was equally yours......are you quick enough to accept it and apologize for the same..... Sometimes it becomes difficult to kill your ego and accept we try to make up things in a different say that "oh i thought it was like that" and how do you confront that person......are you straight forwards or you try to run around the bush and then finally accept that it was your mistake.....
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22 responses
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
24 Jun 09
hi john4christ, i am the first person to accept my mistake and say sorry for the inconvenience caused to others,
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
25 Jun 09
hi john4christ, thanks for the comment
• India
24 Jun 09
Thats nice of you.....people will really appreciate you for this behavior of yours !!!!
@queennee (186)
• Philippines
25 Jun 09
hi john,if the mistake that i've done is pretty obvious,then there's no question i will directly admit it and accept that i've done wrong.but if not..well,there is the tendency that i will deny it..hahaha! but to tell you,its not a good practice,not admitting mistakes or accepting it,we will hurt other people's feelings and they will not trust us again.its really good if we admit and accept the mistakes that we've done,its easy to forgive when people admit mistakes directly..good day!
1 person likes this
• India
25 Jun 09
haha.....I agree, it becomes to tempting to hide our mistakes when it is not that obvious......but then sometimes it becomes obvious to the other person and he knows that we have done something wrong, but he may not necessarily show it on his face........its for us to understand and admit it before its too late...... Thanks for your reply !!!!
@France7 (385)
• Philippines
25 Jun 09
How are you John4Christ? I say that it is not always easy to accept one's mistake, and I experience this every day in my life especially in my family. Nevertheless, I do my best to ask forgiveness from my husband or kids whenever I realize that I did wrong, and after that, I really feel that I had victory over the devil hahahah! In my opinion, we really need God's grace in overcoming our pride. Blessings!:)
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• India
25 Jun 09
I am doing good France7 well i could not have put it better.......we definitely need gods grace and blessings to go ahead in life and do something......our human qualities have come bundled with some limitations in the form of anger, jealousy, ego, pride which cant be killed so easily and you definitely need a divine intervention to overcome it.....and to defeat that evil right in his feels like you just won a battle...... God bless !!!!
@jellymonty (2352)
24 Jun 09
Oh I always accept it if I make a mistake, I'll admit it was me. I'm always straight forward with people I tell it exactly how it is in my mind. I haven't got time to beat around the bush as I think thats being a coward. I will apologize if its my mistake and will never put blame on anyone as everybody is bound to make mistakes. if you make a mistake I will confront you and let you know what my take on it is.
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• India
25 Jun 09
Yes i agree, It is always the best thing to be restores the faith in other person and he takes you more seriously and knows that you are a person of self respect and has a caliber to vouch for your people eventually start liking you for this...... Thanks for your response dear...... have a nice day !!!!
@katka15 (105)
• Slovak Republic
24 Jun 09
I try really hard not to make any mistakes because I don't like explaining them. I'm very strict with other people and want them to do everything right the first time, but I'm very strict with myself as well. If I do make a mistake and there's a possibility to blame it on someone unknown to the other party, I generally do it. If it's 100% sure that I made the mistake, then I accept it and take responsibility.
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• India
24 Jun 09
Wow that's a nice attitude you have there......there are very few people who are so upfront or rather admit if they have done some wrong to the others...... Have a nice day !!!!
@ektarox (67)
• India
24 Jun 09
i must admit i am vey bull-headed that way..i dont easily accept my fault.and i have a bit of an ego problem..but having said that i must also admit that i do accept my mistake eventually and apologize..better late than never is a formula i swear by!i know it wrong to be so stubborn but atleast its better than lying hiding or back biting to polish your ego and never let it what eventually matters is apologizing for your bad..:P
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• India
24 Jun 09
Oh i certainly agree with that......Even i cant let go my ego sometimes.....i just cant.....humans as we are it just takes time to do something divine like accept our mistakes and faults.......but then it depends from person to person......but then i guess it should all eventually zero down to apology and acceptance, as you rightly say better late than never..... Have a nice day !!!!
@OConnell87 (1042)
24 Jun 09
i was awful when i was little to not accept if i'd made a mistake and still try to blame the other person, i think i like being right, i'm not as bad now though
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• India
24 Jun 09
Yes when we are small we often don't realize what we do.....but then as we grow up....things do start getting better.....and we start getting mature as well......
• China
25 Jun 09
i try to accept my mistake as quick as i can.but sometimes i did not accept it diractly and i might can't control myself.i know it is not good to me.i think i must try my best to do it better and make me to be a modest one.
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@dodo19 (47314)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
24 Jun 09
I'm just one of those types of people, who does accept her mistakes. I know when I made a mistake. I realize it when I am at fault. I can really accept that I was at fault, but I learn from this mistake and I do my best to make sure that I don't do it again.
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@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
25 Jun 09
Yes I do. There's no point in denying it specially if the mistake will cause harm to another. As grown-ups we need to accept responsibility to our actions to rectify the error. Blaming someone else will never help and keeping it to yourself will only make things worse. I don't care much about the ego thing, its a shame putting a blame to someone else.
@aikhong (661)
• Malaysia
25 Jun 09
Ya, you're right that sometimes it is hard for us to put down our ego, admit our fault and apologize for it. It is supposed the right thing to do. We have to take charge of what we have done or mistakes made. Although it is sometimes hard to admit the mistakes, i will still admit it if i realise it is really my fault, and i will try to do anything to fix it or anything that can compensate the lost from that mistake. I believe when we admit the fault and take action to correct it, we will also learn and gain something from that. At least this will be a reminder that prevent us from repeating the mistake in future.
• India
24 Jun 09
hi john.... i would like to tell you one thing that the most dangerous word in the English dictionary is a small three letter word which is "EGO" this word can destroy many things...... we should also know that everyone is not same in this world....people like finger in your hand......everyone has some or the other drawback so we should accept them with those then we are true friends.......and running around bush will not take you long will you run day or other you have to face the reality that you are also equally at its by accepting ones mistake many fights can be brought to an end......and saying sorry those not make you small in fact it will make you a much more bigger person...... all the best and best of luck for your future !!!!!!!!!!
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• India
24 Jun 09
Yes my friend i agree, ego can almost take a person down to the earth acceptance of ones mistake and killing that ego tends to be a big challenge for all......but somehow i need to cope with it...... thanks for responding........
• India
24 Jun 09
I accept the mistakes directly most of the times. After that I wouldn't do that mistake again. But sometimes, there will be situation to avoid the acceptance of mistakes. At that time, I feel guilty of it. But try to confess in some other way without directly accepting the mistake. Accept your mistakes - is a great challenge for being a real honest man. I try to be a honest person..
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• India
24 Jun 09
I completely agree with you.....being honest gives you the most beautiful experience in makes you more joyful and cheerful..... Thanks for the response !!!!
@puqimx (358)
• Malaysia
25 Jun 09
i agree with you about sometimes it becomes difficult to kill my ego if i make a mistake.... i will find any reason if i know i was wrong to cover my ego!!
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
25 Jun 09
If I realize there is really a mistake in my part, I'll accept it easily and if needed to apologize, I will. Prolonging the acceptance will might just create bigger troubles.
• Turkey
25 Jun 09
If I make some mistakes There is no way back :) I have to Accept
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Most of the time I'm pretty straight forward about it. Sometimes I blame the other person. I guess it depends on the kind of mood I'm in or what happened exactly. I mostly accept my mistakes pretty easily but I worry about how the other person is going to take it. I wonder if they are going to forgive me or if they do, they don't act like it sometimes. I hate to get chewed out, in other words. Kathy.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
25 Jun 09
It depends on the situation... Usually when someone points out that I made a mistake I will accept it right away.. But there are somethings where I either do not feel that I did anything wrong or I was not totally wrong so I tend to make up things, or say something else.. I want to be a straight forward person.. Its a lot easier that way in life, its just really hard to be that open with people.. See when I make a mistake I am use to someone say "I told you so". Or saying some other comment that makes me feel a heck of a lot worst, and sometimes my heart can not take yet another blow..
@bingchen (1119)
• China
25 Jun 09
there is few people to accept mistake easily.including me. when something hapened, we often could not realize what we have done the fault at first,and blame this thing to other people,alwayse thought that it is yours ,not me. when this thing finished, i thought about who is responded for this thing, there is a few people can accept what he done, it is not easy to accept his mistake. when we think how to make up thing is hard to deal with it in my mind.whatever happened at result, we should accept mistake and make apology to others, maybe they can make excuse with me,what did you think?
@candy2306 (576)
• India
25 Jun 09
Hi, as for me, I will accept my fault if it was told to me with an explanation. Mistake is done unknowingly, therefore, one has the right to get good explanation before he/she been told that he/she made a mistake. Those who pin-point the mistake should tell how to correct the mistake at the same time. That way, he/she can try to accept and NOT repeat the mistake again!