Have you ever smoked a fish or game, I used to have a smoker and.....

@tdemex (3540)
United States
June 25, 2009 1:50pm CST
I lived in MaCall Idaho for a few years and did bartending, and construction. This didn't pay much, I've always loved cooking and food. This was before the Internet. I remembered having smoked fish in my younger years and to save some cash I went to the local library and got a book on smoking fish and game. I fished a lot but didn't hunt, however guys I worked with hunted.I built a smoker out of an old refrigerator, I found the plans in an old Popular Mechanics Mag. and it was awesome, you had some duct work buried about ten feet from the smoke unit, and it went into the old frig. the other end went to a fire pit you'd get the fire going and throw in the wood of choice for the smoke and cover it up, the smoke would go into the frig, and you had a damper on the top to control the heat and smoke! I started smoking trout, and catfish, they were awesome. A friend from the bar gave me a bunch of Cherry tree wood and apple tree wood! My friends that hunted wood bring me wild turkeys to smoke I' do 4 of them and keep one for me, pretty Soon I was making deer and elk jerky. Smoked salmon, even pheasant. I also learned that after your done smoking something if you put 1 pound blocks of cheese in the smoker ( with no heat) and let it sit there for a day or two the cheese wood absorb the flavor, and it turned out great! Have you seen the price of smoked cheese lately? Has anyone here ever done anything like this? Would you ever like to try it? tdemex
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2 responses
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Wow, turning a fridge into a smoker is crazy good. Very impressive. I would love to use this whole post for our cook book. Send me a private message and let me know if that's okay and what name you want to use. Very cool! Thanks.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Wow!! How fun is that? Sounds like you could have opened some sort of outdoor restaurant. I think that might be a unique restaurant.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
25 Jun 09
I havew never smoked anything but I do lobve to eat smoked meat of many kinds. Only yesterday, I went to a party at my best friend´s. My friend bought smoked salmon and I prepatred a carpaccio of smoked salmon, lime juice, coarse ground parmesan cheese and capers. YUMMY!!! I´d love to learn how to smoke small pieces of meat (not a fridge, please, I wouldn´t know where to put it). You post was VERY interesting!. Thanks
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Thanks! If your into it I'm sure they have small smokers where you live, usually they aren't a lot of money. I had a small one I bought when I lived in the city. I used it for fish and would put small roasts like a 2 or 3 pound pork roast in it for a few hours before I put it in the oven and these were really good! tdemex