Will you smiles back to a person who smiles at that you never know?

@mobhomeir (7558)
June 28, 2009 12:25am CST
Whether we like it or not there were some instances you've been mistaken by someone whose maybe their friends' look alike or the other way around and unknowingly uttered a smile, would you care to smiles back? It happened to me most of the time,but in order not to make me so strict and arrogant to the person I don't know who smiles at me, I also smiles back and think it over where and when I met them.., how about you will you smiles back?
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88 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Jun 09
If someone smiles at me, I will smile back. I think it's a nice thing to do. Sometimes, even though I don't know the person, I will smile first.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Oh really? Is that how friendly are you? I appreciate it...I guess you have a potential to run a certain position in the government...thanks for your smile..
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
Hello mobhomeir, Yes, I do smile back when someone smile at me. It makes all the differences in the world. I do hope we do it often to people we meet each day. Actually, this is better said than done. Regards.
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Even I can't smile to my mortal enemy. Unless maybe we have made up.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Yes, you;re right, it is easier than done. Because what about if you will meet your mortal enemy can you afford to smile to that person?
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@fran429 (502)
• United States
29 Jun 09
hello mobhomier, I'm usually the one who smiles at random people... I was always brought up with the feeling that smiling at someone makes them happier and you NEVER know when that one person walks by feeling like they're the lowest of the lowest at that time... Do you even know how much a smile makes the person receiving the smile feel? So, here's to you, I'm walking past you RIGHT now and smiling straight AT YOU! Do I know you? Nope... but I'm going to smile anyways! Fran429
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Yes. Thanks for that sweet smile to me..yes..smiling could add our good personality to someone...thanks for that smile...
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 09
I certainly reply, people who smile with me. I will also reply with a smile. although I did not know people who smile to me. with a smile surely add friend. I rather spend money, but just smile. so, why not give reply to those who smile with smile.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Yes my friend you're right. As long as the smile you've got is a genuine smile. Nothing to lose if you throw away your smile..instead it add good impressions on our own personality..thanks for smiling
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
29 Jun 09
Um, Actually dear friend. I smile at everyone, whether I know them or not. I want to be friendly with everyone I ever meet, so I smile AT them, whether I like them, or not, whether I know them or not. And ever since I learned this wonderfully valuable lesson, my life has been over 100% better. Cheers.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Yes my friend, I guess you must really a friendly man. I appreciate it..Keep it up, you always brings happiness to everyone you smiled at...
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@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
That is also my point mobhomeir I will response a great smile to any person if she show to me. I dont want to be said strict person. I want to have friends. Its nice to see the world having a great smile. Nothing to worry and peace to all if almost people smile.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Yes my friend. But your wish I think would never happen. It would just be on our fantasy..it is impossible. Well if you know how to smile genuinely to someone I think you had done your share of that you are wishing to be...Happy smiling my friend..is there any "sad smiling"?
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
29 Jun 09
sure why not. I smile at people all the time. Just lets them know your friendly. I wouldn't want to walk around and everyone have a pissed off face.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Yes but we can never pleased everyone. There are really people which are very hard to pleased...Thanks a lot and happy smiling...
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
24 Sep 09
yes i too am similar to you. sometimes there are people whom i don't know. but our eyes meet coincidentally and thus we smile at each other. i too don't want to be mistaken as being arrogant and strict or anything negative. if i feel that i've seem them somewhere before, i too try to recall where and when.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
yes my friend it's better that way than being arrogant and it would be too late if we remember that the smiling us was our former friend, anyway we could explain but it's better to smiles back to all people smiling us..nothing would be taken from us if we will do that...thanks for responding...
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
6 Oct 09
i agree, it is always better to smile at others no matter who they are. it shows your friendly personality too
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
1 Jul 09
When I was not often mistaken by someone.If that happens,I will smile back,I think.Sometimes,I find some men smile at me,in that case,I wont smile back for fear of being misunderstood.lol
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• China
4 Jul 09
Thanks for your reminding.I thought men with mustache are sexy and cool.Are they dangerous?
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
yes be careful with a smile from men specially those have mustache..got I mean? hehehehehe
@ank_47 (1959)
• India
30 Jun 09
yes ,i smile to a person if he/she is a stranger also. it shows our respect to unknown persons also. if they don;t smile back. we can make friendship with each other ,if both sides like.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Yes, because every friendship would not be created if there's no smile at all...smile first and everybody would smiles back at you...thanks for sharing
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@ank_47 (1959)
• India
2 Jul 09
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
5 Jul 09
Sometimes yes and sometimes no. It depends on who it is that is doing the smiling. Little old ladies are safe but strange men are not.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
6 Jul 09
I guess you're so defensive with your smile huh! Well, we have different ways of sharing our smile...I respect yours...Thanks for smiling..Keep i up
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
9 Jul 09
Not defensive, just selective.
@heehaw78 (566)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 09
Sure, why not return a smile back to those who smiles at you. I will do the same if someone smiles at me.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
Yeah. I guess you're also a friendly man..a smiling man..thanks for sharing your smile...
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
28 Jun 09
It actually happened to me a couple of times already, especially way back in college. I was actually active with regards to extra curricular activities, so as a result, I get to have the chance to be exposed enough to most people, especially to people whom I barely know. If you are a public figure, people know you, but you don't even know them. So as a result, they will try to say hi or to wave a smile to you. So what you have to do is to extend a smile to them in return.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
Oh yeah that of course is exceptional, you're already somewhat a "public property".. well you must them all of course it would be a big demerit for you if you could not smile at them...thanks mr smiling man..
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
28 Jun 09
Smiling makes the world a happier place. Keep on smiling. I try very much to smile. I feel better when I'd given a smile, even to a stranger. But people tend to think first before smiling back. That's okay with me.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
Yes. I was wondering if some crazy people who wears so untidy and keep on smiling at you, would you smile also? Thanks for smiling...
@balasri (26537)
• India
29 Jun 09
You are asking the right person I think. It is I who always smile at even the unknown people. Smile is a very strong tool that can break open even the headrest minds like a magic. I believe in smiling at everyone and put some sun shine in their day. Yes I always readily smile back at any person whether it is known or unknown. I fully well know that a smile is very infectious and it spreads like wildfire carrying the mood of joy with it. "Spread a smile"
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@balasri (26537)
• India
29 Jun 09
I am a man.I like my smiling wife.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
I guess your right. By the way I don't know if you're a woman or a man. What if you're a married woman and your husband don't like your attitude of smiling always, what will you do? Or the other way around a married man prohibiting her husband being so sociable to everyone..what will you do. Should you change your attitude? Just curious...
@derek_a (10874)
29 Jun 09
Yes, I often catch sight of a stranger who smiles at me, and I will always smile back. I feel it makes the world such a better place to spread a little sunshine in this way.. I also feel happy when I look at photographs of people I know who are usually smiling. It bring back fond memories, even if those times were not so great! - Derek
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
Yes. I understand. I mean it would be a great feeling inside yourself receiving a smile from people even a stranger with you. It's flattering isn't it. As if an energizer in our inner self..thanks for smiling at this discussions...
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@derek_a (10874)
29 Jun 09
Yes, ultimately all feeling comes from within our Self, and we tend to reflect that which is outside. If everyone made a point of smiling whenever they had eye contact with others, life would be a truly rewarding experience. - Derek
• United States
29 Jun 09
a smile, such an easy thing to do. Yes I would smile back I'd prob smile first! We all need to smile more at all around Us no matter if we know them or not. The world has enough Frowns, let's all trurn these frowns upside down.
• United States
30 Jun 09
LOL u too!!
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Yes you're right friend. Just like a saying that goes " Smiles and the whole world will smiles at you, Cry and you cry alone"...keep on smiling
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
it depends...i am always a smiling person but there are times that i didn't smile back to a stranger...i smile back depends on how they smile at me. if i see it a friendly one, then i smile back but for some, especially the bystanders(men) i rarely smile coz sometimes they are just being rude and think another thing when you smile at them... but generally, i always do the first smile...you know.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Oh really? Let me think if first uhmmmmmmmm..... oh yes you are...thanks for smiling this topic...
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
hahha...you're welcome!
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
It depends. Sometimes I smile back but usually I don't. Because I believe that if one person knows me, they will say my name.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
Not really I guess. What if your friend would be at a few meters away from you. Should he/she shout your name first before you acknowledge her/him? Well that's your style I respect that..thanks for waving me friend..here's my smile to you.
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
hehe..you got a point there!
@marcyyyy (517)
• United States
29 Jun 09
Yes, I do smile back at strangers, and a lot of times we'll say Hi, or good morning, etc...it's just a nice, friendly thing to do...I figure we're all on this earth together, and a little friendliness isn't asking too much of us. Take caare and have a MyLot day!
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
You must be a friendly man. But what about if the person smiling at you are stranger would you still care to answer back her/his smile? Cheers!
@marcyyyy (517)
• United States
30 Jun 09
Well, I'm a friendly woman...that's ok!!! LOL! I will smile and say hello to strangers, yes. It's just a nice thing to do! good day!!!