The Osmands

United States
June 28, 2009 4:00pm CST
let me strat by saying I know they are still preforming from time to time. Yes Donny and Marie are doing shows, in Vegas I believe. Anyway does anybody remember when they hot in the 1970's around the same time as the Jackson 5? The Osmands were on tv on a regular bases and I had all their albums! I remember songs like Crazy Horses, Down By The Lazy River and One Bad apple! There was Alan,Wayne,Merril,Jay,and Donny. Later Marie and Jimmy! Can't forget the Donny and Marie Show! Boy that brings back memories! My favorite was Wayne and I had Osmands posters all around my room as a kid! I was so into them back when! I like to hear you memories of the Osmands! OK?
5 responses
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
28 Jun 09
Hey, I remember the Donny and Marie Show like it was yesterday. I actually turned down dates on Friday nights so that I could watch their show. I was never disappointed with my choice to stay home. I had a subscription to Tiger Beat back then too, and I scoured every page that had Osmond articles.
• United States
1 Jul 09
I got the Tiger Beat magazine ,too! I had to find anything and everything on the Osmonds,too! Those were the good all days!
@jazzsue58 (2666)
28 Jun 09
Well, as a David Cassidy fan myself I mean - what can I say? I used to watch the Partridge Family religiously. Never had much time for all those gleaming tombstone teeth - watching the Osmonds was like looking at a Mormon graveyard. The music was okay - although by the time "Crazy Horses" came out I was onto Sweet and Mud.
@snowy22315 (172021)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I remember the Osmonds from way back when. They were talented and also were on the Andy Williams show. They were the best when they all perfomed as a group but the Donny and Marie show was pretty cute also. I like Donny and his brothers and thought they were pretty good and the show with Donny and Marie was funny too.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
28 Jun 09
I remember watching The Donny and Marie Show every week. I believe it was on Friday nights. I so looked forward to watching them as much as I looked forward to seeing the Jackson 5. Thoses were the days!
• United States
28 Jun 09
Yes, I remember them well...always like their show, and felt they were great singers. of course, It was easy to watch them, as Donny was a hunk, and Marie was beautiful.