Do you feel nervous when having a public speech?

@lwy519 (159)
June 28, 2009 9:58pm CST
Many people would feel nervous when they have speech in public,and I am the one,too.I learn a lot to make me quiet,but when having the speech in public,I would feel nervous everytime.I do not how can I do to make myself feel calm.Do you have a good idea?
5 responses
@italysmom (308)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I still do get extremely nervous.. sick to my stomic nervous.. however, I have gotten alot better as I have grown older. First time I attempted to go to college, I was in a speech class. And just infront of the class, I got so scared, I nearly passed out and almost didnt make it back to my seat. However, second time I took speech, I had an awesome professor, and He really helped me out alot. We had to give like 5 speaches throught the semester and by the last one, I was still a little nervous but not nearly like before!.. I think it just takes time to get over it and used to it. and remember, that everyone that would get up infront of people would be nervous.. if they laugh.. its their problem, and.. most likely they wouldnt, infact if you research and have good reasonings to your speech, and make it entertaining for the audience, they will probably enjoy the speech. Remember, slow down (as a person talks faster when they are scared)... practice lots and lots in front of a mirror, and/or friends and family, BREATHE... eays to forget to breathe... and relax as much as you can.
@lwy519 (159)
• China
29 Jun 09
Yes,thank you very much for your idea,I think "slow down"it is a very good advice which I would try next time.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I get like that if I have to read out loud in a class. When I took speech class in college though, it was horrible. Not because of the speeches, those were okay. But our professor just put up a video camera and passed out drunk in the back of the class everyday. We all got Cs. I was very mad about that since public speaking is something I can do, but all I got was a C. Later on in a seminar class I got to prove myself, but still it makes me mad that some drunk that slurs their own speech is allowed to teach.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
29 Jun 09
hi lwy public speaking is a huge problem for me, i am nervous anytime, i can go in front and begin to stammer, and that makes it even worse, well for that matter i guess i was stammering cause i was trying to be nice at giving speech and was making eye to eye contacts, i think i would feel more comfortable if i speak without looking at everyone, well sometimes the girls sitting in the front row and staring at you, that makes it more difficult for me sometimes, don't know why! yeah but i have given stage performances as a band and i am much more comfortable with that :D
@lwy519 (159)
• China
29 Jun 09
Haha,let us improve!
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I don't get that nervous actually. Maybe it's because I've had to speak in public a lot. If I memorized something and have to say it word for word, maybe I would be more nervous. But usually I just go up on stage and start talking. I love it. Just think about how you'll probably not have to see many of those people ever again and it will be easier.
@lwy519 (159)
• China
29 Jun 09
Haha,I really admire you.
• India
29 Jun 09
I too have the same problem. Basically, I could speak well with more emotion and inspiration (as my friends say) if I talk to my friends. But, if I'm to speak in public I feel it too difficult. The reason is shyness. This is the major reason for this. I need good solution for this problem!
@suj123 (1067)
• India
29 Jun 09
Hi, Yeah really i am too like you only. In college whenever i am asked to speak in front of the whole class i get nervous and when we have 100 students sitting in front of us ready to laugh at you. Oh its really terrible. The best thing i do is start talking to myself and saying that "Its ok", "Its fine" hehe. Well it do works for me. Another thing can be face the crowd again and again till you get rid of your fears. Really have to remove that stage fright. Happy Mylotting.
@lwy519 (159)
• China
29 Jun 09
Thank you. wow,I have a speech monthly in my company.I believe i would be better and better.