It is always nice to hear some good news from a friend.

@lynnemg (4529)
United States
June 29, 2009 10:32pm CST
Today, I finally got to talk to my best friend. I haven't talked to her in a few months because she moved and I didn't knwo how to get ahold of her at all. Anyway, she finally called me today and she is doing so great! For the first time in the 8 years that we have been friends, she is truly happy and I am truly happy for her. She has been through so much in her life and even with her marriage, it is nice to hear that she is doing great and both her and her husband have made some serious changes to benefit the whole family. So, I ask all of you, do you feel as elated as I do when your friend tells you that they are truly happier than ever and you know that they really mean it?
5 responses
• India
30 Jun 09
it is an absolutely great feeling to hear that your friend is doing great. and there are no second thoughts about it. i envy that you have such a good friend, please treasure her all your life.
@jt1981 (125)
• United States
30 Jun 09
yes, i am always happy for my friends when they are happy. there is so much negativity and complaining in the world that it is nice to actually hear something good for a change! to be a good friend, you have to be there for the good times and the bad, and the good times are what make life worth living!
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
30 Jun 09
I love hearing good news from my friends. One of my friends from high school got married and I honestly could not keep myself from crying. I hold her close and I couldn't be happier to see her finally marry the man of her dreams. It always makes me feel good to see a friend happy, makes my day.
• China
30 Jun 09
Yes, that's really an exciting things, I can see that you are so happy about that.It's really a good thing to hear friends have a better life, and they are happy, we will happy for them, my best friend is my college classmate, when I heard that she has a boyfriend, a really good guy, and can take good care of her, I was really happy for that.
• United States
30 Jun 09
that sounds really good lynnemg well first of all my name is og and i been thru that feeling a year ago my best friend have move to another state i live in houston tx. she moved to nebraska it took a whole year before we talked again she ran away with her boyfriend well now husband i always though the worst and that maybe she didnt want to talk to me anymore but come out to hear from her after a year but the only reason we talked again is cuz my gurlfriend maria is best friend with her i didnt know they were bestfriends so she called my gurl but i had the cellphone i answered"hello yea may i speak to maria she asked i wuz like who is this she said nayelli i wuz like jelly bean thats how i called her she said yea who is this its me og i replied we both started screaming and crying that my gurl maria said what happen is everything ok i wuz like i gave maria a hug n a kiss told her thank u for bringing back my bestfriend she just didnt know who i was talking bout she looked at me krazy but wowwwwwwwwwwww thats the best feeling i had heard that year it was awesome am so happy so yea that my experience lynnemg