Look Down, Now tell me.....

July 2, 2009 3:27am CST
What do you wear today? Jeans? haha If i am right, please do let me know. Because when i saw my friend asking me this question, i told her jeans. She was laughing to deah. And finally she told me a funny number, 80% of the people these days wear jeans for any accasions. Is that ture?
6 responses
• Malaysia
2 Jul 09
I guess most people do wear jeans on most occasions these days. But it's not what I like to wear the most though, sometimes other kinds like cotton can be more comfy. I certainly am not wearing jeans today!
1 person likes this
• China
2 Jul 09
Well, then the test is failed. because you are not wear jeans today. I thought most of you will be wearing jeans.
• Malaysia
2 Jul 09
Oh, haha, maybe it's just bad timing! Because I haven't been and won't be going out today, so usually indoors I definitely don't have jeans on :-)
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
2 Jul 09
I am sorry I don't seems to get the funny thing this. Why was your friend laughing? Hmmmmmmm...I am the best example for that, I wear jeans at work place, hang out, watching movies..Jeans are so universal style.
1 person likes this
• China
3 Jul 09
Jeans does universal!
• China
2 Jul 09
I was naked on the bed ha ha
1 person likes this
• China
2 Jul 09
@xixi_abby (211)
• Indonesia
2 Jul 09
Hi, vivian long time not see.. hehehe...you're right dear..i'am wear jeans now..i think almost everyday i wear it..because it really comfortable..and suitable for any occasions. thank you and have a nice day..
1 person likes this
• China
3 Jul 09
Hi Xixi, Long time no see. Jeans is actually hot if you are outside the office. I think skirt is good for summer.
• United States
2 Jul 09
I think that its true. You have to realize that nowadays besides something like sweats, jeans tend to be some of the most comfortable durable clothing out there and its considered fine to wear on almost any occasion. You can dress up and still wear jeans as long as its the right style and with the right shirt and a pair of heels. So what am I going to be wearing today... probably shorts cause it is the summer and mine tend to be khakis or some lighter material than denim - but if not then it will be jeans.
1 person likes this
• China
2 Jul 09
Yeah, you got the point!
@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
I used a traditional cloth for moslem, of course a long and wide dress. Well I found it comfortable this way since this the style of cloth I use to wear eversince. Though in some special occasion I do use long gown. Sometimes kinda awkward 'coz I'm alone wearing the style but I don't care for others 'coz I like to be this way and I'm comfortable to walk and move!
1 person likes this
• China
2 Jul 09
Wear confortable is sure an important thing.