What kind of dream?

@andiel (117)
July 2, 2009 9:23am CST
I dont know, but i always dream on being able to fly. What is it means? It's fun though - i fly to different places, places that i used to go. i meet again my friends, and sharing all my experiences and hearing theirs. Sometimes i only looking at people i used to know from up above. I am so happy. Then i would fly again to another places. The dream will always ends with me landing either on a white fields, or on blue ocean. Then i wake up, try to sleep again hoping to get the same dream again, but it wont happen twice in a row. I usually experienced this kind of dream one or two times a week. How about you? What kind of dream you usually have?
1 response
• India
3 Jul 09
andiel, the flying dreams are also quite popular with me. i tend to fly like superman and cover vast lands of fields, vegetation ,water bodies,etc. i guess they say that when we are asleep, our soul comes out and wanders in the universe, so maybe that is the case. i also fly whenever i am in danger or wake up. but, it is a lot of fun. another thing i do a lot in dreams is riding horses.