What kind of dog do u like the most?

Sri Lanka
July 3, 2009 9:23pm CST
Well, i myself love any kind of dog, even common mongrels. But what i realy like are golden retrievers, labradors, and other family dogs^^. What dogs do u like?
5 responses
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
4 Jul 09
marley so cute - marley for discussion only
I like the dog in the photo the most, I adopted him from an animal shelter and he is the most cutest dog ever. He likes to eat what I eat and well one little problem: he is a chewer, he is one year old and likes to chew whatever he finds. But other than that, he is the greatest dog.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
4 Jul 09
yes, you are right
• Sri Lanka
4 Jul 09
i know, its nice to have a dog like that, as, like, ur best friend.
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
4 Jul 09
I am partial to shih tzus. But I also really like sheepdogs. French Bulldogs are pretty cute too.
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• Sri Lanka
4 Jul 09
i don realy like small dogs that much, but those dogs to look a bit cute^^, except bulldog. Thanks for ur response.
• Sri Lanka
4 Jul 09
well, my family has 2 houses, and at one time we had around 15 dogs^^. 2 mongrels, and all the others were pedigrees, and if we ever had litters, we would sell all the puppies axcept one, and earn quite a lot. Though i hated sending puppies away
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
4 Jul 09
I like german shepherds like the pest I have at home. Lola dedicates all her free time at tearing my house apart but I still love her. She is still a puppy (so they say) as she is 6 months old. But she is a giant dog. When she gets very happy (when my grandchildren come to visit, for example) she gallops in the garden and if I didn´t know better I would think there´s a horse around. My eldest daughter has a collie that´s very ladylike. She is as beautiful as my other daughter´s dog is ugly (a boxer). Both are better behaved than my Lola. I hope that she´s quiet down a bit when she grows up.
• Canada
6 Jul 09
Hi Rafayel, I have a Lahsa-poo, he happens to be my best friend, we go everywhere together. We're pretty inseperatable.
@KawaiiInu (143)
• Uruguay
4 Jul 09
I too love every Breed and mixes too, but I ADORE Dalmations, Huskeys, and Cocker ..oh,and also Neapolitan Mastiffs, I uploaded a Photo, but I can't figure out how to link it to this Post...