Where would you like to live?

@momiecat (997)
United States
July 4, 2009 12:19am CST
If money was no object, would you choose to live in a different place than where you are living now? I live in California. We have such a bad economy here. If money was no object, I could think of several other places I would like to live including Tuscany, Italy or perhaps somewhere in Colorado or may be Nevada. Family attachments and money are preventing me from moving but it is nice to dream about it anyway.
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11 responses
@AAnshu (115)
4 Jul 09
Sure. I don't know the names of such place but i would choose the place somewhere near the town but still in the undisturbed area and surrounded by the nature. U know,somewhere in the middle of a meadow but not far form the city either.
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• India
4 Jul 09
Actually if I had enough money to sustain myself and my family I would have liked to live life more excitingly.I believe if one has enough money to spend then it would be possible to travel to places around the world and enjoy life.But sadly we don't have that much money and hence have to settle down at one place to work and earn money on a monthly basis just to be able to sustain ourselves.
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@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
5 Jul 09
We moved to Australia on a one-way ticket from the UK over 13 years ago. It was a big risk and we knew nothing much about the place. It's so different to the UK and the weather's better too. I'd say I was happy here, but if money was no object i'd love to move to a house with a swimming pool!
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Hmmm there are quite a few places I have thought about. I think I would really like the East Coast. Although, Tuscany would be nice too. Atlanta is another one of my favorite places.
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@jedopi (401)
• Canada
7 Jul 09
I have never lived anywhere except for Canada. I have visited most of our provinces but none of the territories (WAY TOO COLD). I have been to Florida and Venezuela, but that is about it. I don't think I could see myself picking up and actually moving to another country though, especially where they don't speak English as I do not understand any other language except for a little bit of Italian.
@edmltw (287)
• Singapore
4 Jul 09
Singapore is great xD
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
4 Jul 09
I won't move away from the midwest. Two of our kids live here and I don't want to move away. However, I wouldn't mind living part time in a warmer climate. My husband has a thriving business here so we can't leave. We have another daughter in New Mexico but she's in the mountains so it wouldn't be much warmer there than here. I love Florida and California. Would be a toss up as to which state would be the best. Think we are here for the duration!
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Hawaii, if money were no object
@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
4 Jul 09
If money was no object, I might have stayed in my previous house (I loved that house) or I might have moved back to Vancouver. Or maybe stay here in Hamilton. Who knows?
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Jul 09
I really don't have an answer to this other than somewhere where I could have some peace of mind. No telephones, just a nice pool in the shade, trees everywhere, one story home with a basement but far far from here because being here is driving me absolutely insane with all the worries that I have now.
@icer13 (7)
• United States
5 Jul 09
I would love to live in Cardiff, Wales, UK. I've always had an affinity for cities within the United Kingdom, but Cardiff really appeals to me. I really got interested in the city from watching the new Doctor Who series. The show is filmed in Cardiff, and many events in the show center around the city. After the interest the show caused me to have about the city, I did a lot of reading on it, looked at a lot of photographs, and just simply fell in love with the place. If only I had a TARDIS...