New Music

July 5, 2009 8:30am CST
Where do you find most of your new music? Is it on the radio? Do you hear about it from friends or relatives? Do you go to new music shows? Do you find them online through ads? Do you find them online through online radio stations, or myspace? What is your idea of the best way to find new music? Personally, (a little behind the times, I guess) I find that radio is still the number one place I find and hear about new artists.
2 responses
@Bloggership (1104)
• Indonesia
9 Jul 09
Almost every music that i love to hear comes from my local tv music programs... MTV music programs is my first choice to see new release music... About radio choices, man, it's been more than 5 years i never tuned.
@ahslack (484)
• Singapore
5 Jul 09
Yup,i do agree that radio is the best place where we can notice most of the new songs.But for me,i get to know new songs from tv programme,there's this programme that introduced new songs once in everyweek if there is any.